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Bucaro TecHelp Linking Policy

Sorry, Bucaro TecHelp does not exchange links. Below are the reasons why I do not exchange links, and why you too should probably not exchange links.

1. Where would I put the links? If I put them all together on a links page, Google will ignore them at best. They might consider the page a link farm and penalize the linked sites and this website.

2. I do not have the time to monitor the sites that I would exchange links with to make sure that they actually keep a link to my site on their website.

3. Web sites with lots of traffic don’t worry about exchanging links. I would be trading a link on my high traffic site for a link on a site that has no traffic.

4. I want to provide my visitors with only links to high quality resources. I do not have the time to monitor the quality of the content on the sites that I would exchange links with.

5. The site that displays my link might put it together with a bunch of other links on a link page, thereby causing google to penalize this website for being in link farm.

Despite the rules stated above, you will notice that this website has hundreds of links to other websites. In fact there may be many links on this website to any individual website. No link swaps where involved. I post links to other websites that are high quality resources for my visitors.

I also maintain the links provided in the resource boxes of articles submitted for posting on this website. You might get your link on this website by submitting an article for posting. However, I only accept about five percent of the articles submitted.

You are always free to place a link to Bucaro TecHelp on your website without an exchange. I ask only that you place the link on a page with less than ten other links so that my link is not in a link farm. (How many links on a page make it a "link farm"? I don’t know.)

To post a text link to Bucaro TecHelp, copy the html shown below the text and paste it to your webpage.

To post a graphic link to this web site, copy the html shown below the banner and paste it to your webpage.

Visit Bucaro TecHelp

<a href="http://bucarotechelp.com">
<img alt="Visit Bucaro TecHelp" title="Visit Bucaro TecHelp" border="0" width="88" height="31" src="bucarotechelp.com/search/images/88x31free.gif"></a>

Visit Bucaro TecHelp

<a href="http://bucarotechelp.com">
<img alt="Visit Bucaro TecHelp" title="Visit Bucaro TecHelp" border="0" width="88" height="31" src="bucarotechelp.com/search/images/88x31topic.gif">

Thank you for posting a link to my website. - Stephen Bucaro

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