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Finding a Job
How to find a job, choosing the best format for your resume, ten things to never put on
your resume, how to use the Internet in your job search.
Success at Work
Information about how to succeed at work. Become a more valued employee, learn to
manage your time, working with your fellow employees and your boss. Cliques and politics
at work. Working with idiots and working for a bad boss.
13 Reasons Why You Should Never Get A Job The idea of having a job is plain wrong. In the age we live in, society can and should evolve past the point of jobs. Here are 13 reasons you should never get a job!
Five Best College Majors for Employment Upon Graduation Too many college students begin their college career with no idea what they want to pursue. These students need an employment reality check. Before a student finally decides on a major, a serious discussion should be about their future job prospects with this degree.
Best-Paying College Degrees Rather than focusing on the obvious advantages of a college education, let's explore some of the best-paying college degrees, which may help you when deciding on a major.
How to Make a Living Without a Job If you've lost your job or don't feel like holding down a traditional job, there are ways to make small amounts of money that you can use to support yourself. You can totally support yourself without having to hold down a traditional job.
How to Quit Smoking Weed After Years Marijuana can very easily turn into a harmful
habit which is difficult to control and causes damage to everyday activities like social interactions and
physical abilities. This is especially true for long-term users.
How to Sober Up From Weed The fact is, there are 7.5 billion people on this planet, all competing for resources. All competing for jobs. All competing to live the good live. All competing with YOU! To stay in the game you have to stay sharp, you have to increase your skills and education. You can't afford to be a pothead. Choosing to smoke pot is choosing to give up and become a parasite on society. Choosing to smoke pot is choosing to flush your life down the toilet. You can live in denial if you want, but it's a fact.