Success at Work

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Self-Esteem and Success
A person with high self-esteem believes that they are a worthwhile and important person. A person with low self-esteem believes that others are better than them, and that they deserve to treated badly by others. More ...

What Does it Mean to be Successful?
Life challenges us every day to develop our capabilities to the fullest. Life doesn't require us to always come out on top. It asks only that we do our best. More ...

Techniques - Personal Problems
Accepting employment is making a contract. The employer's part of the contract is to provide salary or hourly pay, plus benefits. Your part of the employment contract is to arrive at work every scheduled workday, on time, and ready to focus on your work. More ...

Delivering Difficult Messages at Work
Feedback is essential to the professional development process. As you advance professionally, you will be placed in more situations in which you will need to give feedback to others. It's when a difficult message has to be given that many managers and leaders stumble. More ...

Techniques - A Cluttered Desk
Some people mistakenly think having a cluttered desk will trick their boss into thinking they are keeping busy. Instead, a cluttered desk makes your boss think the following: You are disorganized, You are a procastinator, you have poor time management skills. More ...

When You Have to Say I'm Sorry
I've learned a lot of things about apologies over the years. Some of them I had to learn the hard way - at great personal cost. But I learned them, and I'm glad to share them. More ...

Get What You Want - Negotiating Skills for the Timid!
This article is written for those TIMID folk who want to feel more confident in the basic skills of negotiating. These are the skills I have learnt that have made all the difference in the world to my approach to asking for what I want. I figure there are plenty of people who would like to know these skills which, believe me, don't come naturally to some folk! More ...

Working For a Bad Boss
How to deal with a bad boss who has poor leadership skills, makes unreasonable demands, and has a bad temper. More ...

Being a Professional
One major difference between a slacker and successful person is that the slacker is just there to put in the time and collect the paycheck, while the successful person presents themself as a professional. This article explains things you must do to be professional. More ...

Dealing With Stress at Work
You can't totally avoid stress. Stress is a normal part of life and work, but too much stress can actually cause health problems. Here's how to deal with too much stress at work. More ...

Techniques - Get Ahead by Faking It
Are you working in a no stretch organization? To succeed at work, you need to stretch your capabilities. You need to perform tasks above your skill level, tasks you've never done before. In a no stretch organization, workers are assigned only tasks they've done before. More ...

Coping with Difficult People
Difficult people have limited coping skills. Whatever their goal, the discovery over the years that a particular set of actions gets the results they desire has shaped their behavior. Changing our behavior and mindset is the key to coping with these folks. More ...

Make Your Boss Look Good
Your boss is the most important individual to work with to achieve success at work. Your boss is a unique individual that can get in a bad mood, make a bad decision, or exhibit imperfections just like anyone else. The key to achieving success at work is to Work around the idiosyncrasies of Your boss. More ...

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