Success at Work

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Why to Avoid Flirting in the Workplace
What may be flirting to one person could be sexual harassment to another person. It's a fine line and there are no universal laws about flirting in the workplace. Therefore, it is up to individuals to gauge what is appropriate and what is not. To avoid overstepping boundaries in the workplace, here are a few simple tips employees should follow: More ...

The Gamble of Workplace Romance
Because of how much time we spend at work, often more time than we have for socializing outside of work, the chances of meeting someone that we're interested in at work is very probable. But is romance compatible with success at work, or can it become a career disaster? More ...

Maintaining a Positive Attitude
People like other people who have a positive attitude, Sometimes events contradict the positive attitude point of view, but the person with the positive attitude still believes, in the end, good will win out. More ...

Five Strategies to Become a More Attractive Employee
If you feel you have veered off the professional development path, perhaps now is an ideal time to get back on track. After all, professional development is a catalyst in becoming a more attractive job candidate. More ...

Time Management
Wondering where the day has gone? Still not finished with work even though it's nine at night and you were supposed to go home at six? Here are some tips to help you manage your time better. More ...

How to Handle an Irate Customer on the Phone
If you work in customer service or own a business, you will occasionally take calls from angry customers. The most important thing to do is stay calm. Make them feel listened to before you offer solutions. More ...

Stand Out At Work
Career development is not always about moving up in the organization. It's more about constantly improving yourself and getting the most out of your job and work life. Regardless of whether or not you are interested in promotion right now, you are interested in standing out at work. More ...

The Power of a Positive Attitude
One of the most important personality traits required for the achievement of a successful life is a positive attitude. What I mean when I say positive attitude might be more accurately described as a realistic attitude. More ...

Techniques - Get Ahead by Faking It
Are you working in a no stretch organization? To succeed at work, you need to stretch your capabilities. You need to perform tasks above your skill level, tasks you've never done before. In a no stretch organization, workers are assigned only tasks they've done before. More ...

What Not to Say to Customers
A problem can arise however when an employee who doesn't usually come into contact with customers meets a customer. You should never reveal inside information to a customer, or to anyone else outside the company. More ...

How To Impress Your Boss Without Sucking Up
Everyone can spot someone who sucks up to their boss. The key to impressing your boss is to be able to do it without sucking up. Here's six tips to impress your boss without sucking up. More ...

Diversity in the Workforce
You may think an individual with a different race or national origin has peculiar or has strange habits. The first step toward getting the cooperation and assistance of your co-workers you need to Succeed at work is to accept others uniqueness and idiosyncrasies. More ...

Have you ever worked for a boss who had to watch your every move? Someone who scheduled countless meetings which involved dozens (or more) people? A manager who always seemed to want to do your job for you? More ...

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