Let me explain right off that this website does not pay for content. Your article submission to this website would strictly be for the purpose of improving your web presence, increasing your websites search rank, or explaining your product.
The great majority of traffic to most websites comes from search engines. To receive traffic from search engines requires that your webpages must have a high "pagerank". One method search engines use to calculate a webpage's pagerank is by the number pages that link to it, referred to as "backlinks". For that reason, many Webmasters and Internet Marketers use article submission as a technique to acquire backlinks.
bucarotechelp.com is heavily indexed by the major search engines, and by many smaller specialized search engines. Therefore, many Webmasters and Internet Marketers have requested to submit articles to this site. I have accepted a few article submissions but most have failed to meet my standards.
Requirements of Submitted Articles
1. Topic of article must relate to the topic of a section⁄subsection of this website.
2. Article must be no less than 500 words in length.
3. No links back to your website in the body of the article.
4. No blatant advertising in the body of the article.
5. Article must contain only useful information in plain simple English.
6. All advertising and links back to your website must be in a resource section at the bottom of
your article which must be 60 words or less.
Relative to providing useful information in plain simple English, you might ask, if I give away my secrets, won't people just do it themselves and not hire me? One or two rare individuals might do that, but I find, no matter how completely and clearly you explain something, and no matter how much you encourage people to do it themselves, most people will not do it themselves. Most people are too lazy, too busy, or don't have the confidence to do it themselves. But based upon how clearly you explained it in your article, having convinced them that you know what your doing, many people will hire you.
How to Submit Your Article
You can contact me through the contact form on this website. It would be best to contact me before submitting an article because the anti-spam methods of the contact form block any emails that contain indications of it being spam, for example if it contains a URL. Once I know you are sending a file, you can send it directly to my gmail account.
Conditions of Article Acceptance
• I reserve the right to refuse any submission.
• I reserve the right to take any article off-line at any time.
• I have the right to use the article in the creation of other forms of content, e.g. ebooks. However, your resource box will always accompany your article.
If your article is accepted there will be no charge. I expect to get value from the useful content in the article. Also articles remain posted for an indefinite period of time.