Finding a Job

Applying for a Job? - Run a Background Check on Yourself
Over 90 percent of companies run background checks on applicants. Running a background check on yourself enables you to find out if any erroneous information is being reported about you. For example, a State may be erroneously reporting that you have a criminal record. Running your own background check will alert you to this problem so you can take steps to correct it before an employer sees it. More ...

How You Can Use the Internet in Your Job Search
If you haven't already starting using the internet to assist you in the job search, then you are missing out on a huge employment trend. There are numerous reasons to take advantage of this powerful tool, the most important one being that employers are using the internet more than ever to find candidates. More ...

The Job Search Solution
In this book, Recruitment Firm owner Tony Beshara provides you with a day-to-day, detailed system that he has developed over the years to ensure your personal success at finding a job. If you work the system, it will work for you. And he explains very simply what to do. More ...

Choosing the Best Format for Your Resume
When formulating a resume, it is important that a job applicant follow standard business procedures. By doing so, the applicant shows that he or she is accustomed to working in a professional, success-oriented environment. While you may be able to add your own personal touch to your resume, it is best if you present a resume that is in one of the following formats: chronological, functional, or a combination of the two. More ...

I'm laid off!
'Laid off, terminated, fired, downsized, let-go'; no matter what the guise, many of us have heard those words spoken. If you have not, consider yourself fortunate because it is common in today's cyclical business environment. We've all seen the headlines, 'Local Company Lays Off Workers'. More ...

The Telephone Interview - Ten Tips for Making a Good Impression
They liked the cover letter, they were impressed by your resume, but before you get that oh-so-coveted face-to-face meeting, you've still one more test to pass: the telephone interview. Telephone interviews present their own unique challenges. So before you begin, take note of these ten tips for making a great impression. More ...

How to Get a U.S. Government Job
As the U.S. population keeps growing, more federal workers will be needed to provide government services. It's possible for layoffs to happen in Federal service, but they're very rare. More ...

Successful Job Interviews: Attitude, First Impressions and Appearance are Everything
It is a well known fact, in the human resources field and industry that professional interviewers will state that in most cases of job employment interviews that in the time period that it takes to applicant to walk across the room to introduce themselves. More ...

Jobs for Ex-Felons
If you're an ex-felon, forget finding a job. I recommend - don't even try. That's right, don't even try to find a job. There are many low-cost and no-cost businesses you can start. In this article, I'm going to present you with a few business ideas. More ...

How to Volunteer
Volunteering is a great way to learn new skills and to meet new people. It's also a great way to do something meaningful and make a difference. Maybe you would like to share your gifts or give something back. More ...

Working With Executive Recruiters
Executive recruiters are not in business to help you land a job. Executive recruiters do not 'hold onto' your resume, look for opportunities that will suit you, and eventually contact you when they find a 'perfect match'. More ...

Unemployment - A Golden Opportunity
When I was unemployed, I did the only thing that I could do - besides keep looking for a job. I made myself more valuable. That is right; I became more valuable while I was unemployed. How did I do that? I increased my education. More ...

Expanding Your Resume - The Curriculum Vitae
From the Latin for 'vital', vitae means a short description of one's life and a Curriculum Vitae, or CV for short, is pretty much that - a sort of Extended Play version of your resume. More ...

How to Get a U.S. Government Job
Many Federal agencies fill their jobs like private industry by allowing applicants to contact the agency directly for job information and application processing. But, while the process is similar, there are significant differences. More ...

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