How to Choose a Career

Become a Park Ranger
If you love the outdoors, it's likely you would enjoy working as a Park Ranger. There are around 391 National Parks in the United States. Most of them are protecting precious land and resources that are not replaceable. These careers are designed to protect these lands. More ...

Get Your Commercial Driver's License and Start Driving Trucks for a Living
To get a trucking job, you must first get your commercial driver's license - or CDL. In most instances, you need to be 18 years of age and under federal law you need to be 21 years of age to drive across state lines or transport hazardous materials. More ...

Nursing, the Next Ten Years, a Brief Overview
The outlook for individuals considering entering the nursing field is excellent. Registered nurses, or RN's, make up the largest number of health care workers in the country. In addition, registered nurses will make up one of the fasted growing population of workers in all occupations over the next ten years. More ...

Police Officer Career
Police and sheriff's patrol officers have median annual earnings of $45,210, with the highest paid earning more than $68,880. Police are expected to be able to respond in some fashion to any and all situations that may arise while they are on duty. Also police must act as government officials in the cases of investigation. More ...

Massage Therapy Careers - Three Options
There are a remarkable number of variations on massage techniques. Most professionals today concentrate on just a few of them. This article addresses the most widespread massage professional specialties and discusses the education and certification requirements for the job. More ...

The Roles of a Video Game Artist - 3D Animation and Design
How often do we hear people complain about never doing the job they were trained to do? They didn't realize when they entered into their chosen field that there would be many aspects to the job. The same premise applies with the video game artist. More ...

Increasing Demand for Court Reporters
One of the newest hot career paths on the market is court reporter. More and more people are trying to break into this lucrative and flexible career every day. The salaries are high and the job offers are high degree of independence. More ...

Ten Careers That Are in Demand and Have Big Paychecks
The hottest careers in the United States today draw on a broad spectrum of skills and interests. Whether you're into numbers, people, nature, sports, or computers, there's a way to parlay your natural abilities into a lucrative career. More ...

How to Become an IT Technician
IT technician duties revolve around installing and maintaining hardware, software, networks, and workstations. They are also responsible for maintaining, troubleshooting and resolving any problems associated with computers and systems. More ...

Careers in Human Resources
Human Resources is a career that involves work ranging from handling employee benefits questions and recruiting, interviewing, and hiring new staff to aiding in strategic planning at top executive levels. More ...

How to Get That First Job in Web Design
Working in the Web Design industry can be a lucrative and rewarding career. This article discusses some of the things you can do to land that first job. More ...

A Day in the Life of a Dental Assistant
Most dental assistants split their time working directly alongside the dentist in the exam room, performing daily office duties, or working in the laboratory. The constant shift of required responsibilities helps create an exciting and diverse work experience that never gets boring! More ...

Nurse Training and Education
There is a growing demand for workers in the health care industry. The demand is only expected to increase as baby boomers age, increasing their need for health care while at the same time retiring from these positions in record numbers. The outlook for those interested in a career in nursing is very good. More ...

Three High-Paying Careers With No College
Some people have no interest in racking up thousands of dollars in debt to pay off for the rest of their lives. However, bills still need to be paid! Here's a few high-paying jobs you can do without any college! More ...

Medical Records and Health Information Technicians - Career Opportunities
Medical records and health information technicians handle and organize patient records, and evaluate these records for completeness and accuracy. In 2004 there were about 159,000 technicians in the U.S. Medical records and health information technicians salaries range from less than $17,720 to more than $41,760. More ...

How to Become a Male Stripper
A male stripper provides adult entertainment to help people visualize their fantasies. How much you earn depends on where you work and what kind of tips you earn. You could make hundreds in one night. More ...

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