You have never used a book like this before. It is designed to actually take you through the process of choosing your future career rather than just reading about doing so. As you continue through the book, it will become your personal career coach and guide. many people say this book seems to be speaking directly to them alone. Of course this is not true, but you will find that you have an opportunity to develop a very personal coaching relationship with this book.
This relationship will make it possible for you to deal successfully with everything you need to consider, as well as learn practical new ways to move forawrd from your present uncertainty to design a career that will fit you elegantly, perfectly, like a custom-made suit. I hope you will choose to be a participant, and not just a reader. If you've made the decision to change your life, then you've found the book that was written just for you.
Go over this list. Check the statements that are true. If you check almost all of them, you are doing pretty well. The ones you left unchecked show where you could use some improvement. If you left several of them unchecked, you are in the wrong career; and this is the book you need.
[ ] You feel like a duck in a pond. Your work is a natural expression of your talents and personality.
[ ] Your job fits you so well that, often, work is play.
[ ] You are proud of what you do and enjoy telling other people about it.
[ ] You are highly respected at work because you are so good at what you do.
[ ] You do not have to pretend to be someone else at work.
[ ] Your own best and most natural forms of creative expression are what you are paid to do.
[ ] The environment you work in brings out your best efforts.
[ ] You enthusiastically look forward to going to work most of the time.
[ ] Your job rewards your most important values and allows you to fulfill your goals in terms of personal growth, achievement, income, stability, etc.
[ ] The result of your efforts make a contribution that personally matters to you. You dont spend your days working for something that you don't really care about.
[ ] Your job directly fulfills your work-related goals. It does bot create barriers to realizing your other goals.
[ ] You like the people you work with.
[ ] You are on a winning team that is having a great time getting the job done.
[ ] A day onthe job leaves you feeling energiized, not burned out.
Reader Diane Gordon of Lenox, MA says, "Okay, we all know the unemployment rate is nearly ten percent in the US. I have read numerous articles that say people who had have had the same job for years have been laid off, and the longer they are laid off, the harder it is to find a new job. What better time to consider new horizons? Many people have gone into fields that had looked promising in the past, such as computer programming. So now is the time to think about what you really want, and maybe bushwhack some new trails for yourself. Nick Lore can help you do it. His book is written as if he is sitting beside you, encouraging you to think about what you really want, and who you really are. Yeah, the job situation looks grim, and we need all the tools we can to deal with finding new employment. The Patherfinder is a great too for this journey."
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• What You Need to Know to Become an Information Security Analyst
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