Seldom does an opportunity come along where you can not only build a career for yourself but also make a huge difference in the lives of everyone you touch. There are not many professions where not only can you help yourself achieve your career and professional goals but you can help others reach where they want to be as well. Not many professions can give you the personal satisfaction that becoming a Life Coach does.
Now the first question that comes to mind is - What is a Life Coach?
To answer that question first you must realize that each person is different from the other. Everyone has their own set of goals and dreams to achieve. Not everyone is at the same place at the same time mentally or emotionally and not everyone wants to reach the same destination.
Goals, dreams, and satisfaction come at different levels. Some have personal goals or problems; some have professional or business goals or barriers they need to cross. Few of us are already where we want to be and are now seeking a new goal or desire.
This is where a Life Coach comes in. A Life Coach analyses each client in terms of where they are right now and where they would ideally like to be and then helps them close that gap. A Life Coach will listen to their clients, share their thoughts, learn about their client's dreams, find out what is most important to them and then assist them in achieving more in their life.
It could be that someone wants more out of their personal life whereas someone else wants more out of their business. A professional Life Coach will always work closely with their clients; ask the right questions and challenge the clients emotionally and mentally to find out new ways to give them the change that they desire.
Working closely with professional Life Coaches greatly benefits clients because they are able to achieve their desired goals faster and in a more efficient manner. They always have someone to give them objective and genuine feedback and offer solutions to their problems.
It helps the clients to increase their level of confidence, have better relationships, achieve a greater respect for themselves and find a new love and passion for life. Above all it helps clients to be more focused in all aspects of their lives and business.
If you love interacting with people from all walks of life, if you enjoy listening to others and are fascinated by how people live their lives and go about achieving their goals, then life coaching may be the career option for you.
Imagine doing something you love for a living. Imagine the satisfaction which you can derive from knowing that it was because of you that someone is on their way to achieving what they have always wanted. In fact it's because of you that they even realized what they actually wanted in life.
Can you think of any other profession which could give you this amazing realization? If you can't think of any other profession that would give you this satisfaction and also help you achieve your career goals financially, then perhaps it's time for you to investigate how to become a Life Coach. Who knows, by trying to help others achieve their goals, you may discover and reach what you always wanted in life.
Sharon Pearson is a professional, accredited life coach, executive coach and business coach. She is the founder and CEO of The Coaching Institute, Australia's leading accredited life coach training school, is a published author and an in-demand public speaker and trainer.
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