Area of a Triangle Calculator
There are three different methods to calculate the area of a triangle depending upon what information you have about the triangle. This application combines all three. More ...
Online Color Coded Resistor Calculator
To determine the resistance value of a color-coded resistor, select the colors matching each band from the drop-down lists. More ...
Regular Expressions Intervals
Regular expression intervals tell us about the number of occurrences of a character in a string. Curly braces are used to define a precise count of how many occurrences you are checking for. More ...
Area of a Quadrilateral Calculator
If you have a regular quadrilateral there are simple formulas to calculate the area. But if you have an irregular quadrilateral you can calculate its area by viewing it as two triangles bucked up against one another. Find the area of each triangle, and then add them together. More ...
Easy JavaScript FileReader Code
The JavaScript FileReader object allows web pages to read files stored on the user's computer. Files may be selected using the input element, or selected with a drag and drop operation. More ...
Regular Expression Position Matching
In this article you how to use regular expressions to match characters at the beginning, end, both beginning and end, or at any specified location in a string. More ...
Inkscape Shadows and Highlights
Adding shadows and highlights to your drawings can create a touch of realism. In this article you learn how to add shadows and highlights to your Inkscape drawings. More ...
How to Draw an Airplane
Drawing an airplane is much easier if you first construct two-point perspective guidelines. This article shows you how to draw an airplane in ten easy steps. More ...
Introduction to Draw SVG Free Online SVG Drawing Application
A drawing created on a computer can be posted directly on the Web. Drawing on a computer with a vector drawing program is the best way to go. Draw SVG seems to meet the need. In this article I touched on only a tiny part of what Draw SVG can do. More ...
A capacitor is an electronic component that can store electric charge. A capacitor is constructed with two conductive plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. More ...
JavaScript to Copy and Paste Text to the Clipboard
In some applications, rather than the user's selection, you may want to copy the contents of a specific html element to the clip board. Or when the user initiates a Paste, you may want to direct the contents of the user's clipboard to a specific html element on the webpage. Here is the code for this. More ...
Html5 section vs article Element Best Practices
Many new semantic elements where added to HTML5. The purpose of most of these new elements was easily discernible. But a web search reveals that there is much confusion about the relationship between the article and the section element. More ...
Inkscape Basic Fill
In Inkscape you can fill a shape with just about any color, texture, or pattern that you desire. In this article we discuss how to fill a shape with a basic color. More ...
Easy CSS Animated Flaming Text
I provide easy code to create CSS flaming text animations. You are free to experiment with your own CSS property values. I bet you can create even better flaming text. CSS3 flaming text animations are fun and easy to create. More ...
Fundamental Digital Logic Gates
All the advanced features of the most powerful computers, such as mulicore and parallel processing are done with digital logic. In this article I explain the fundamental concept of digital logic in simple and clear language so that anyone can understand it. More ...
HTML5 Header Element
The header element is one of HTML5's semantic elements. It provides a container for header information. A header element may contain ,logo author, navigation, search, version, copyright, and other such information. More ...