A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. I explained the basics of Regular Expressions in an earlier article: What is a Regular Expression?
In case you are not familiar with how to execute code like that in this article, you open a new text file (use a basic ASCII text editor like Windows Notepad, not a word processor. Word processors add formatting characters to the text). Paste the code into the text file. Save the text file with a name that has the file extension .htm. (say test.htm) Double-click on the file to open it in your web browser.
A regular expression subexpression is created by enclosing a separate match in parenthesis. Each subexpression is stored temporarily in memory. You can then access reference each subexpression using a backreference. The example below show how to use subexpressions and backreferences to format names last name first, first name last.
<script> let strTarget = "Robert Sled"; let regexp = /(\w+)\s(\w+)/; let newstr = strTarget.replace(regexp, "$2, $1"); alert(newstr); </script>
The subexpressions are numbered $1 to $9. $1 will reference the first match in parenthesis, $2 will reference the second match in parenthesis and so on. The $x value persist until another regular expression is encountered.
The example uses the replace() method to switch the words in the string. It references the value in $2 (last name) first, and then the value in $1 (first), placing a comma between the two names. The result of the replace() method is stored in the variable newstr, which is displayed in a message box using the alert() method.
In case you need an explanation of the regular expression, the \w control character matches any character, the + operator indicates one or more occurrences of the previous control character. the \s control character matches one white space character.
The output of this example will display "Sled, Robert". The example below uses the same technique to re-arrange the words in the sentence "dog jumps over cat".
<script> let strTarget = "dog jumps over cat"; let regexp = /(\w+)(\s.*\s)(\w+)/; let newstr = strTarget.replace(regexp, "$3 $2 $1"); alert(newstr);
The regular expression is also similar, except it contains three subexpressions referenced by the ids $1 $2 $3. Subexpression $2 uses the .* control characters to match any number of characters. The replace() method references the subexpression values in reverse, resulting in the display of the message "cat jumps over dog".
The example below uses a subexpression to extract the temperature numbers from the sentence "Temperature is 26 degrees C today", uses a formula to convert that value from Celsius to Fahrenheit, and displays the same message with the Fahrenheit temperature.
let strTarget = "Temperature is 26 degrees C today"; let regexp = /(.*)\s([0-9]+)\s(degrees)\s(\w)\s(\w+)/; let tempC = strTarget.replace(regexp, "$2"); let tempF = (tempC*9/5) + 32; let newstr = strTarget.replace(regexp, "$1 " + tempF + " $3" + ' F ' + "$5"); alert(newstr);
The temperature numbers are saved in the subexpression with the id $2. The replace() method references the subexpression's value and stores it in a variable named tempC. The $n subexpressions are static, read-only properties, so they can't be modified directly.
The value in tempC is used in the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion formula. The resulting Fahrenheit temperature value is saved in a variable named tempF. The replace() method is then used a second time to reconstruct the sentence, replacing the temperature value and the units identifier character with "F", resulting in the display of the message "Temperature is 78.8 degrees F today".
ECMAScript 2018 introduced named groups into JavaScript regexes. The example below uses named groups to change a date in day, month, year format to a date in month, day, year format.
let regexp = /(?\d{2})-(? \d{2})-(? \d{4})/; let match = regexp.exec("28-06-2020"); alert(match.groups.month + "-" + match.groups.day + "-" + match.groups.year);
This example uses the regular expression exec() method to test for a match in a string. You set up the regular expression, and then you pass the string as an argument to the exec() method. If it finds a match, it returns the matched text, otherwise it returns null.
In this article you learned how to use subexpressions to rearrange matches in a regular expression and how to replace the value of a subexpression match in the results.
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