Easy Java Script Code

Easy Picture Panning Code
In this article, I provide you with code that will pan an image back and forth, as if you where looking at a video. But this code does not require video, just a simple image and a few lines of Java Script code. More ...

Synchronous and Asynchronous Script Loading
Whether to use synchronous or asynchronous script loading depends upon the design of the webpage. Asynchronous script loading can cause the webpage can render more quickly. But if done without consideration for the design it can cause webpage flash or even errors. More ...

Using a Select List for Navigation
An HTML Select list is a form control used to create a drop-down list of items from which the user can select. You can use a select list as a navigation element by setting each option element's value attribute to the URL of a web site or web page. More ...

Regular Expression Basics : How many Matches?
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. In this article you'll learn how to use regular expressions to count the number of matches. More ...

Debugging JavaScript : Coercions
JavaScript is not a tightly typed language. Sometimes this comes in handy, but other times it can cause problems. More ...

Convert Mixed Number to Decimal
Wouldn't it be convenient if the user was allowed to enter mixed numbers into a form rather than having to mentally convert them decimals? This code is designed to accept both decimal and mixed number input. More ...

Password Protection Using the Frames Method
One method of password protecting your webpages is to use a cookie, but cookies are unreliable. If you can't trust a cookie to store the information that the user is logged in, where can you store it? In this example I'll show you how to use frames for JavaScript password security. More ...

Easy Java Script Code for Sideways Slide show
Sideways sliding slide shows are very popular on the Web, especially with companies that want to display their products or feature various aspects of their business. It's not difficult to program a sideways slide show, and in this article I show you how to create one with some basic Java Script. More ...

Java Script Code to Factor Numbers
Being able to factor numbers is an important skill, one that is necessary to work with equations, fractions and polynomials. In this article, I show you how to use Java Script to factor a number, therefore you will learn a little mathematics and a little programming at the same time. More ...

Make Your Own Graphical Digital Clock
One of the most fun, interesting, and educational things you can do with Java Script is to make your own image-based digital clock. The fun part is selecting or creating your own images for the digits and other graphical elements of the clock. You can use 3D digits, digits that look like baby blocks, or digits made out of animals. More ...

A JavaScript Function That Returns a Function
Its a fad now in JavaScript to code functions that return functions in order to avoid declaring global variables but the procedure is inefficient and unnecessary. More ...

Code to Add Music to Your Webpage
Some people think it's discourteous and annoying to have music playing on your webpage. But, hey, it is your webpage, and it depends upon your websites audience and purpose as to whether music is appropriate. In this article I show you how easy it is to configure music on your webpage. More ...

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