Easy Java Script Code

JavaScript Variable Scope
Understanding variable scope is very important, because if you don't use scope properly, you could end up with unexpected results and a very confusing bug. The scope of a variable refers to the parts of the code from which it's visible. More ...

Easy Expanding Banner Code
Instead of using "in your face" skyscraper or double-wide banners, you can make a standard banner that expands to show more information. In this article, I provide you with easy code to create several different kinds of expanding banners. More ...

Easy Rollovers
A rollover is when a user moves the mouse pointer over an image on a Web page the image is replaced with a new image. The simplest rollover can be created with the html code provided in this article. More ...

Working With the Keyboard in Java Script
Using Java Script you can determine which keyboard key the user pressed. You can use this information to block certain keys, to replace a key's character, or to perform an action based upon a specific key being pressed. In this article, I'll provide some basic code for working with the keyboard. More ...

Easy Picture Zoom Code
This article provides the minimal code for four different methods to add zoom to the pictures on your Web page. The first method uses a single image. When you click on the image a JavaScript function is used to enlarge the image. More ...

Easy Picture Panning Code
In this article, I provide you with code that will pan an image back and forth, as if you where looking at a video. But this code does not require video, just a simple image and a few lines of Java Script code. More ...

Easy Fading Text Banner Code
In this article you learn how to create a fading text banner, a fading text banner with several different messages that fade in and out, and a fading image banner with several different image banners that fade in and out. You also learn how to use the document.write method so that you can give a link to others to include your banners in their webpage. More ...

JavaScript Cookbook
JavaScript Cookbook is chock-full of code recipes that address common programming tasks, as well as techniques for building web apps that work in any browser. Just copy and paste the code samples into your project. More ...

Calculators for Your Web Site : Loan Payment Calculator
In this article, I provide you with Java Script code for a loan payment calculator. The process of designing a loan payment calculator, like any calculator, can be divided into the five steps. More ...

Regular Expressions Lookarounds
In this article you learn how to match a pattern only when it comes after another pattern (or after not that pattern) or only when it comes before another pattern (or before not that pattern). More ...

Regular Expression Basics : How many Matches?
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. In this article you'll learn how to use regular expressions to count the number of matches. More ...

Easy JavaScript Web Storage Code
In the past allowing web pages to store data on your PC was considered too dangerous. Cookies can not be considered permanent and reliable storage. HTML5 brings us web storage, providing methods to store keyword/value data pairs in the user's browser. More ...

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