HTML abbr and acronym Tag
The abbr and acronym tags allow you to give information about the meaning of an abbreviation or acronym used in your text without disrupting the flow of text by placing the information directly in the text. This is done by putting the information in the tag's title attribute. The browser will then display the information as a tooltip. More ...
HTML Horizontal Rule
A horizontal rule created by the hr tag creates a horizontal line that can can be used to break a webpage into sections. More ...
HTML Text Tags Basics
Today, most webpage text design is accomplished through the use of style definitions rather than html tags. Although style definitions are extremely powerful for text design, they are also very complicated. I find some of the old html tags are quicker to use, require less code, and are easier to understand. More ...
Use Meta Tags for Search Engine Optimization
Statistics show that only one of every four Web Sites use Meta tags. However using these tags can give your site an advantage over other sites that do not. Meta tags enable most visitors to initially find your site from the search engines. More ...
Set Form Controls Tab Order With tabindex Attribute
The default tab order is the order in which the controls appear in the html code. You may prefer to set the tab order yourself. To set the tab order give each form element a tabindex attribute and set their number values to the order you want the tabs to work. More ...
Text Features
There is a series of html tags that you can use to configure features of your text like boldness, italics, strike though, underline, and more. More ...
HTML Image Basics
The img tag is used to display images and animated gifs on a webpage. You can use the img tag to display images, icons, logos, and buttons, bullets, arrows and other graphic or navigation elements. More ...
HTML5 Input Type - Email
With previous versions of HTML you used the form control input type="text" to capture typed data from the user. You had to validate the user's input using string methods and or regular expressions. The HTML5 email control provides built-in validation of email addresses. More ...
Web Page Template
Every webpage starts out with a basic set of tags, doctype, html, head, meta, title, and body.This article provides yo uwith ahe template for a basic webpage. More ...
Form Input Labels
Using the label element with your form input elements rather than just placing text next to them is a good idea that makes your web site more accessible. More ...
Create a Meta Tag Slide Show - No Java Script Required
You want to put a slide show on your webpage but, either you can not, or do not want to, use Java Script. Well, you can create a slide show using only the html refresh meta tag - no Java Script required. More ...
How to Make a Table Scroll
It's very common for a table to contain more data than can be displayed on a webpage without scrolling the webpage. A large table would be much easier to deal with if the table contents itself could scroll, rather than having to scroll the entire webpage. In this article, I'll show you exactly how to accomplish that. More ...