HTML Horizontal Rule
A horizontal rule created by the hr tag creates a horizontal line that can can be used to break a webpage into sections. More ...
HTML abbr and acronym Tag
The abbr and acronym tags allow you to give information about the meaning of an abbreviation or acronym used in your text without disrupting the flow of text by placing the information directly in the text. This is done by putting the information in the tag's title attribute. The browser will then display the information as a tooltip. More ...
HTML Blockquote Basics
You have probably seen webpages that display a quote from the article, but taken out of the flow of the article text. The html blockquote element is easy to use and can be used break up the monotony of paragraphs of text and give your webpage a more professional look. More ...
Text Features
There is a series of html tags that you can use to configure features of your text like boldness, italics, strike though, underline, and more. More ...
XHTML Basics
HTML and XHML look very similar. But HTML was designed long before XHTML and therefore is less rigorous. In other words, HTML does not require the coder to follow strict rules, while if you don't strictly follow the rules while coding XHTML, it just plain won't work. More ...
Easy Code to Add Yahoo Site Search to Your Website
There are several ways you can add site search to your website. This article provides the code for Yahoo site search, just paste this code into the desired location on your website. More ...
Text Input Box Basics
The most common way to receive information from a visitor to your website is to let them type it into a text box. In this article you learn the basics of using text boxes on your webpages. More ...
How to Use a Meta Redirect
A Meta Redirect is a META tag that, when a visitor arrives at your webpage, automatically redirects their browser to a different webpage. There are several reasons why you might want to use a meta redirect. More ...
The Heading Tags
Html provides a set of heading tags that allow you set the size of the text in your headings and subheadings. The size ranges from h1 to h6. More ...
The HTML Head Tag
This article describes the structure of a webpage document and the html head tag. More ...
Radio Button Basics
A radio button is a type of input element for a form. A radio button is similar to a checkbox except that when a user clicks a radio button that is part of a group, the previously selected radio button automatically de-selects. In other words, radio buttons in a group are mutually exclusive. More ...
Using col and colgroup to Apply Attributes to a Table Column
You could add html attributes to each cell in a table column, however, with a large table this might be tedious, and it adds unnecessary code. The col tag allows you to define attributes for one or more columns in a table. The colgroup tag allows you apply attributes to a group of columns. More ...