Web Design Tools

Free Online Office Suite - Google Docs
Although Google Docs office suite doesn't have all the advanced features of a full blown Office Suite, it does have many advantages. It's free, it's available where-ever you can get an Internet connection, you can store files online, and you can easily share your documents with anyone who has an Internet connection. More ...

Video - Using Kompozer The Best Free WYSIWYG Editor
KompoZer is a free open source WYSIWYG web page authoring tool which you can download from This video is a quick introduction to the KompoZer interface by Mark Strong. More ...

Top Five Photoshop Alternatives
The Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite is incredibly expensive. Some users may even have problems with its interface. There are plenty of other programs to as an alternative to Photoshop. Here are the top five Photoshop alternatives. More ...

Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python
This book teaches you computer game programming in the Python programming language. It was written to be understandable by kids as young as 10 to 12 years old, although it is great for anyone of any age who has never programmed before. More ...

Webmaster Tools
The quality of content on the web and the number of products available to webmasters can seem overwhelming. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of resources and products that will benefit webmasters in their efforts to be found. More ...

How to Share a Presentation Online with
Ever wanted to create a slideshow of images, text and audio? This article will show you how to make a presentation with Impress, which you can easily export to flash so you can share it with others. More ...

Writing For a PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint is powerful, dynamic software for creating interesting, eye-pleasing presentations. The old adage that 'a picture is worth a thousand words' is true here. Rather than trying to explain a complex process or procedure, a visually pleasing graphic can do the trick boring your audience and losing their interest. More ...

Blogger Versus WordPress - Which Should You Choose?
You might be thinking that starting a blog could be a great asset for your business. There are two basic options when it comes to blogging. You can choose to use Blogger, which is owned by Google. Or, you can choose to blog using WordPress, which is open source software. More ...

Seven Essential Online Tools for Non-Webmasters
Even though I continue to maintain my sites myself, I couldn't do it if I didn't have some great tools that make it easy to do. There are some really terrific tools you can get, for free, that can help you build and maintain an eye catching web site. More ...

Using WordPress As a Content Management System
Today, I can confidently use WordPress to build any website. Add a shopping cart, snap on Search Engine Optimization for each page. Almost every functionality desired in a website either works natively in WordPress or has a plugin that does the job. More ...

Free Business Tools for Enterprise
Companies face a challenge in managing their knowledge and information, communication and collaboration across a city or across the globe. They need to make information easily accessible within the organization, while keeping it secure. The tools required to accomplish this task can be very expensive, or they can be free. More ...

Create Cool Site Navigation in a Flash
So you were just at a website and were so impressed with their navigation bar you want something just as cool for your own site. No problem. If you know where to look you'll find plenty of generators that will allow you to easily pump out some very slick menus. More ...

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