Graphics Design

What is the Pantone Color System?
The Pantone system is used mostly to specify colors manufacturing processes. It involves the use of 13 base pigments and white and black mixed in specified amounts. The name "Pantone" comes from the name of the company that developed the system back in the 1950s. More ...

How to Make Beautiful Skies with GIMP
Do the skies in your photographs look somewhat "blah"? You can make them pop with a few easy tweaks in GIMP, the renowned open-source image editor. Here's how to do it. More ...

Inkscape Layers and Z-Order
Inkscape's use of the Z axis is represented by layers and is called z-order. When you first draw an object on an empty canvas, it has a z-order of 1. If you draw a second object, it has a z-order of 2. If you draw a third object, it has a z-order of 3 and so on. More ...

Stop Motion Animation: Nine Creative and Easy Techniques
Often times people spend endless hours drawing the same figures over and over with just a slight change between each drawing. But there are lots of creative techniques you can use to draw fun and interesting animations without the endless repetition. This article shows you nine techniques. More ...

How to Place Greek Letters in an Inkscape Drawing
Sometimes in a drawing, you need a character other than the English alphabet and numbers. For example star maps always use Greek characters to label the stars. Here is how you place Greek letters in an Inkscape Drawing. More ...

Inkscape Basics
Inkscape is a free Open Source vector graphics illustration application that works similar to Adobe Illustrator. In this article you'll learn your way around the Inkscape interface, including its toolbars and menus. You'll learn how to zoom and pan to navigate your drawing canvas. And you'll learn how to save and open your drawing files. More ...

SVG Example Code to Rotate Elements
This SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) example provides example code to create a rectangle and uses the rotate transform to rotate the rectangle. More ...

How to De-haze a Photo with GIMP
Haze and color casts in photographs can ruin a good photo; fortunately, they are trivially easy to correct with GIMP, the foremost open-source photo editing software. Here's how. More ...

SVG Image Clipping
clipping is a common techniques used in computer graphics. Clipping defines an area of a graphic element that will be visible. Everything outside this region will not be visible, it will be clipped. More ...

How to Install the Free, Open-Source, Blender 3D Animation Application
Blender is a free and open-source 3D animation suite that is perfect for beginners who want to try 3D modelling. Here's how to download it. More ...

Inkscape - Free Vector Graphics Illustration Package
Inkscape is a free Open Source vector graphics illusttration application that works similar to Adobe Illustrator. A vector graphics application allows you to create images by drawing geometrical shapes like rectangles, elipses, lines, and curves with your computers mouse. More ...

Free Animated GIF Maker
It is incredibly easy to turn a set of GIF images into an animation using WhitSoft Development?s UnFREEz freeware program. First use a graphics program, such as Windows Paint to create a set of images for your animations frames. More ...

Inkscape - How to Add a New Node
To add a new node on a segment use the Insert new nodes button on the Edit path nodes tool control bar. These steps assume that you have already drawn a segment e.g. using the Bezier Curves and straight lines tool. More ...

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