Graphics Design

MathML Element to Display a Fraction
MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), similar to HTML which is used to encode the structure and content of a webpage), ia an XML dialect for encoding mathematical expressions to be displayed on a webpage. The frac element is used to display a fraction. More ...

SVG For Responsive Web Design
During the last decade internet access using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has increased significantly. One way to make an SVG drawing resize itself according to the users screen size is to the viewBox attribute in the svg container element. More ...

Tips and Tricks for Getting Free Images
Today, images fuel our society. The majority of today's online society relies on a delicate juxtaposition of text and images in order to truly relate to what they are seeing on the screen. More ...

How to Make a Simple Video
Video marketing is very popular these days. This article shows you how to quickly and easily use a digital camera or a video camera to create your movie for video marketing. More ...

MathML Element to Display a Radical
MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), similar to HTML which is used to encode the structure and content of a webpage), ia an XML dialect for encoding mathematical expressions to be displayed on a webpage. The msqrt and mroot elements are used to display a fraction. More ...

HTML5 Canvas
The canvas element creates an area on a web page for drawing with a set of JavaScript functions for creating lines, shapes, fills, text, animations, and so on. You could use it to display an illustration, but what gives the canvas element so much potential is that it's all generated with scripting. More ...

Image Scanning - Confused About DPI?
One of the first settings you need to choose when scanning an image is the DPI (Dots Per Inch). This is a very confusing parameter and is often set incorrectly. Scanning an image with an incorrect DPI setting can result in a blurry or slow-loading picture. More ...

Free Animated GIF Maker
It is incredibly easy to turn a set of GIF images into an animation using WhitSoft Development?s UnFREEz freeware program. First use a graphics program, such as Windows Paint to create a set of images for your animations frames. More ...

Coding a Matrice in MathML
In mathematics a matrix is a set of numbers arranged in rows and columns so as to form a rectangular array. Matrix applications are widely used in mathematics. In geometry matrices are widely used for performing geometric transformations like rotations. More ...

SVG Basic Shapes Tutorials
This is an introduction to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and tutorials with examples on how to use simple code to draw basic shapes. More ...

How to Place Greek Letters in an Inkscape Drawing
Sometimes in a drawing, you need a character other than the English alphabet and numbers. For example star maps always use Greek characters to label the stars. Here is how you place Greek letters in an Inkscape Drawing. More ...

SVG Example Code to Rotate Elements
This SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) example provides example code to create a rectangle and uses the rotate transform to rotate the rectangle. More ...

Image Processing Filters - How to Sharpen a Photograph
Do you have a blurry photograph that you would like to sharpen? Most image editing applications provide an image sharpen function. Image sharpening works scanning through the pixels of the image and performing a mathematical matrix operation on each pixel. More ...

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