Graphics Design

MathML Elements to Display Subscripts and Superscripts
MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), similar to HTML which is used to encode the structure and content of a webpage), ia an XML dialect for encoding mathematical expressions to be displayed on a webpage. The msub and msup elements are used to display subscripts and superscripts. More ...

SVG Matrix Transform Example Code
All the other SVG transformations can be performed with the matrix transform. However, to use the SVG matrix transform you need to be familiar with matrix algebra, which involves coordinate geometry, vector algebra, and trigonometry. More ...

SVG Code to Create a Rectangle and Text and Translate as a Group
This SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) example provides code to create a rectangle and the text Hello!, and use the translate transform to move them both as a group. More ...

CSS Button Designer
Use the controls to set the properties of your button, your changes will appear immediately. Click on a color in the respective palette to set a color. When satisfied with result, select and copy the code at the bottom of the page. More ...

How to Create a Simple Video with Windows Movie Maker
Creating simple videos using Windows Movie Maker is a highly effective way to market your website and you don?t even need a video camera. This article describes how to create a video without a camera using Windows Movie Maker. More ...

Use GIMP to Scale (Resize) an Image
GIMP is a powerful full-image processing application, and like all powerful applications, its complexity may seem intimidating to inexperienced users. However, you can quickly perform some common basic operations without spending the time to completely learn GIMP. This article will focus on how to scale an image. More ...

Inkscpe Snap Controls Bar
some Inkscape users find snap annoying and so they disable it. Other Inkscape user's could not possibly work without snap. You can convert SVG to STL to print 3D models. But to do that you need accuracy that you cannot achieve without snap. More ...

SVG Code to Place Text on a Curved Path
One interesting thing you can do with SVG is to place text on a curved path. This tutorial explains how to code SVG to place text on a path. More ...

Tips For Hand Coding MathML
MathML (Mathematical Markup Language), similar to HTML which is used to encode the structure and content of a webpage), ia an XML dialect for encoding mathematical expressions to be displayed on a webpage. In this article I explain my method for hand-coding complex mathematical expressions in MathML. More ...

SVG Code for Outlined Letters Text
SVG can be used to create banners, charts, diagrams, graphs, illustrations, logos, maps, and many other things that require text. This tutorial explains how to code for outlined letters text in your SVG drawings using the SVG text element. More ...

What is the Pantone Color System?
The Pantone system is used mostly to specify colors manufacturing processes. It involves the use of 13 base pigments and white and black mixed in specified amounts. The name "Pantone" comes from the name of the company that developed the system back in the 1950s. More ...

How to Place Greek Letters in an Inkscape Drawing
Sometimes in a drawing, you need a character other than the English alphabet and numbers. For example star maps always use Greek characters to label the stars. Here is how you place Greek letters in an Inkscape Drawing. More ...

Inkscape - How to Join Two Segments at Endnodes
To combine two different paths into one path, you need to join the endnode of one path to the endnode of the other path. To join two endnodes, overlap the two endnodes on top of each other, then combine the paths, then join the endnodes. More ...

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