SVG Code to Create a Rectangle and Text and Translate as a Group

<svg width="200" height="180" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<g transform="translate(50 50)">
   <rect x="0" y="0" width="110" height="70" stroke="#000" fill="#4cff00"></rect>
   <text x="5" y="50" font-family="Verdana" font-size="35">

This example shows how to create a rectangle and the text "Hello!". The rectangle is positioned at coordinates x=0 y=0, the upper-right corner of the svg element. The text is positioned at coordinates x=5 y=50. Both elements are contained within a group. To the group tag we add a transform. The transform is translate(50 50). The syntax of the translate transform is shown below.

transform="translate(x y)"

The translate transform takes two parameters, the x value and y value. These value are the amount to move the element along the x axis and the y axis. In the next example, how to group the rectangle and the text elements, and then translate the group, which gives the same result.

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