General Web Design

Create a Google Sitemap for your Web Site
Google Sitemaps is a simple and fast way for your site to be constantly indexed and updated by Google. This article will discuss the benefits of implementing this new technology, who should use it, how it works and how to create a Google Sitemap for your web site. More ...

A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up a Successful Online Store
To sell products online not only requires making use of high end marketing strategies but also involves lots of planning. This article is meant for those of you who intend to start an online store. It is intended to give you a fair idea of what you would need to do and what you need to avoid. More ...

Bandwidth Stealing
Bandwidth is limited. Why? Because it actually is a bunch of wires or fibers connecting servers to the global network. And wires can only carry so much data. When someone attempts to get more data than can be handled by the wire, the transmission of the data is slowed down. More ...

What is "Above the Fold?"
The term 'above the fold' originates in the paper publishing industry where 'fold' refers to the place where a newspaper is folded in half. Of course, on the Internet there is no 'fold', the phrase 'above the fold' now refers to the area visible when a visitor first loads a webpage in their browser. More ...

How to Help Your Customers Speak
Strange as it may sound being a web designer does not only mean spending hours in front of the computer. Once you receive an order, you have to create a bond with your customer to be able to understand completely his vision of the web site. More ...

Top Five Design Tips
Great graphic design looks effortless, but it requires lots of attention to details. Think back to an eye-catching advertisement, publication, or flyer you saw recently. Do you remember why you liked it? Perhaps it was something specific like the use of a cool graphic or font. Or, more likely, the layout and the words worked together to create an eye-appealing, memorable message. More ...

DHTML or Flash?
An important facet of flash / shockwave glossed over by most people is that these technologies are a packaged scripting environment: In other words - most of what you can do in flash, you can do in DHTML with a little effort. More ...

How To Build A Web Site That Sells
Without a clear purpose for your site, you will not know where you are heading. For example, the purpose of my design site, is to help small business owners attain a presence on the web to sell their product or service. Now, write down the statement of purpose for your web site. More ...

Data Exploration Tools
To be sure the data insights you're communicating are correct requires care and attention in the data analysis phase. Here are a few free tools that you can use for some advanced data analysis tasks. More ...

Seven Steps to a Money Making Website
Have you been considering setting up your own website to make money on the internet? Perhaps you already have a business or a business idea and want your own presence on the web. Or maybe you just know that you want to make money on the internet but have no idea what is involved. More ...

Basics Of Ecommerce Web Design
Which do you think is more likely to succeed? A website with a clear, simple and professional design, or a website with flashy animation, graphics or audio that detracts from its primary purpose - to convert visitors to customers? More ...

Separation of Layers of Webpage Code
Eventually almost all webpages will require changes. Separation of layers of webpage code is one approach that makes future changes very easy. Separation of layers means the content and html code are in one page, the CSS presentation code is in a separate file, and JavaScript behavior is in a separate file. More ...

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