I hate to disappoint Stephen Hawking, but the whole universe was created just to annoy me.

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Area of a Quadrilateral Calculator
If you have a regular quadrilateral there are simple formulas to calculate the area. But if you have an irregular quadrilateral you can calculate its area by viewing it as two triangles bucked up against one another. Find the area of each triangle, and then add them together. More ...

Understanding Modern PC Specifications
There is a huge variety of different PCs available out there. Its no wonder that consumers are confused about what to buy. This article explains modern PC specifications. More ...

Html5 section vs article Element Best Practices
Many new semantic elements where added to HTML5. The purpose of most of these new elements was easily discernible. But a web search reveals that there is much confusion about the relationship between the article and the section element. More ...

What is an Ethernet Crossover Cable?
When connecting two computers together without a switch or router in between you need a special cable, called a crossover cable, that has the transmit wire pair swapped with the receive wire pair. More ...

A JavaScript Function That Returns a Function
Its a fad now in JavaScript to code functions that return functions in order to avoid declaring global variables but the procedure is inefficient and unnecessary. More ...

Network on a Chip (NoC)
NoC (Network on a Chip) is a method of placing a much larger number of processors on a multi-core chip. Much like a regular network, NoC has multiple point-to-point data links that are interconnected by routing switches. More ...

Create a Cool Picture Frame Effect with CSS
By setting the CSS border-color property to a transparent color, and setting the background-origin property to border-box you can create a cool picture frame effect. More ...

Inkscpe Snap Controls Bar
some Inkscape users find snap annoying and so they disable it. Other Inkscape user's could not possibly work without snap. You can convert SVG to STL to print 3D models. But to do that you need accuracy that you cannot achieve without snap. More ...

Easy CSS 3D Mouse-over Pressed Text Effect
I provide easy CSS code for 3d text when you move your mouse pointer over the 3D text shown above, the text will appear to be pressed. In this example, I configured the 3d text in a link. More ...

The figure and figcaption Tags
The html figure element is a container for an image and optionally for a figcaption element that defines a caption for that image. More ...

JavaScript to Copy and Paste Text to the Clipboard
In some applications, rather than the user's selection, you may want to copy the contents of a specific html element to the clip board. Or when the user initiates a Paste, you may want to direct the contents of the user's clipboard to a specific html element on the webpage. Here is the code for this. More ...

Regular Expressions Intervals
Regular expression intervals tell us about the number of occurrences of a character in a string. Curly braces are used to define a precise count of how many occurrences you are checking for. More ...

Self-Esteem and Success
A person with high self-esteem believes that they are a worthwhile and important person. A person with low self-esteem believes that others are better than them, and that they deserve to treated badly by others. More ...

IPv6 Address Compressor Expander
Enter the IPv6 address in the top text box. Click on the appropriate button: Omit Leading Zeros, Consolidate Zeros Segments, Expand Zeros Segments, Replace Leading Zeros. The formatted address will appear in the bottom text box. More ...

Use PowerShell and WMI to Get CPU Information
Suppose you want to get some information about the CPU in your computer. Can you remember which Control Panel utility will provide that information? If you use a PowerShell script to access WMI you can always get the information you want no mater how they rearrange Control Panel. More ...

Regular Expression Basics : How many Matches?
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. In this article you'll learn how to use regular expressions to count the number of matches. More ...

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