I hate to disappoint Stephen Hawking, but the whole universe was created just to annoy me.

Draw with your finger

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Use PowerShell and WMI to Get CPU Information
Suppose you want to get some information about the CPU in your computer. Can you remember which Control Panel utility will provide that information? If you use a PowerShell script to access WMI you can always get the information you want no mater how they rearrange Control Panel. More ...

Inkscape Grouping
One function in Inkscape that is very handy is grouping. Without grouping in order to reposition an object we would need to select all its pieces. With grouping, all an object's pieces behave as a single object. More ...

The figure and figcaption Tags
The html figure element is a container for an image and optionally for a figcaption element that defines a caption for that image. More ...

Regular Expressions Lookarounds
In this article you learn how to match a pattern only when it comes after another pattern (or after not that pattern) or only when it comes before another pattern (or before not that pattern). More ...

HTML5 Header Element
The header element is one of HTML5's semantic elements. It provides a container for header information. A header element may contain ,logo author, navigation, search, version, copyright, and other such information. More ...

Regular Expressions Intervals
Regular expression intervals tell us about the number of occurrences of a character in a string. Curly braces are used to define a precise count of how many occurrences you are checking for. More ...

Export Inkscape Drawing as an Image
Although Inkscape images can be embedded in webpages, for most other applications you'll need a raster image format. Inkscape can export your drawing in the .png raster image format. More ...

Area of an Ellipse Calculator
It's easy to calculate the area of an ellipse because it's similar to calculating the area of a circle ecept instead of Pi times the radius squared, its Pi times the long axis times the short axis. More ...

Fundamentals of Windows Security
Today, criminals are more sophisticated, and groups have formed with significant financial backing to support the wrong doings of these groups. This book is for system administrators, cybersecurity and technology professionals, solutions architects, or anyone interested in learning how to secure their Windows-based systems. More ...

The Difference Between EoP and PoE
Ethernet over Power (EoP) is a technology for sending network data over power lines. Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a technology for sending power over Ethernet network cables. More ...

Windows 10 Disable Aero Snap and Shake
With Aero Snap and Shake Windows does what it wants to do, not what you want it to do. More ...

EMI, RFI, EMC, EMS, What's the Difference?
EMI, RFI, EMC, and EMS all refer to different aspects of radio frequency interference which may cause elecronic devices to malfunction. Correcting these problems can be an art and a science. More ...

Speed Up Windows 10 by Disabling Trivial Visual Effects
Does your Windows 10 PC perform annoyingly slow? You may be able to get a significant performance boost by disabling unnecessary visual effects. Here's how. More ...

Minispreadsheet Instructions
This is the instructions for Minispreadsheet. Minispreadsheet is a tiny extremely easy to use spreadsheet. You can type text or a number into a cell, that's it. You can also apply simple formulas to a cell. More ...

Inkscpe Snap Controls Bar
some Inkscape users find snap annoying and so they disable it. Other Inkscape user's could not possibly work without snap. You can convert SVG to STL to print 3D models. But to do that you need accuracy that you cannot achieve without snap. More ...

Access Useful Laptop Settings in the Windows Mobility Center
Some useful laptop settings are collected together in a group called the Windows Mobility Center. Near the top of the secret menu, select Mobility Center. Here you'll find controls for setting the screen brightness, sound volume, screen orientation, and such. More ...

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