I hate to disappoint Stephen Hawking, but the whole universe was created just to annoy me.

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JavaScript to Copy and Paste Text to the Clipboard
In some applications, rather than the user's selection, you may want to copy the contents of a specific html element to the clip board. Or when the user initiates a Paste, you may want to direct the contents of the user's clipboard to a specific html element on the webpage. Here is the code for this. More ...

Inkscape Layers and Z-Order
Inkscape's use of the Z axis is represented by layers and is called z-order. When you first draw an object on an empty canvas, it has a z-order of 1. If you draw a second object, it has a z-order of 2. If you draw a third object, it has a z-order of 3 and so on. More ...

What is an Ethernet Crossover Cable?
When connecting two computers together without a switch or router in between you need a special cable, called a crossover cable, that has the transmit wire pair swapped with the receive wire pair. More ...

The figure and figcaption Tags
The html figure element is a container for an image and optionally for a figcaption element that defines a caption for that image. More ...

Introduction to Operating Systems
An operating system is software that acts as an intermediary between a computer user and the computer's applications and hardware. An operating system can be viewed as a resource allocator. Resources might be CPU time, memory space, file storage space, and input/output (I/O) devices. More ...

Inkscape Shadows and Highlights
Adding shadows and highlights to your drawings can create a touch of realism. In this article you learn how to add shadows and highlights to your Inkscape drawings. More ...

Speed Up Windows 10 by Disabling Trivial Visual Effects
Does your Windows 10 PC perform annoyingly slow? You may be able to get a significant performance boost by disabling unnecessary visual effects. Here's how. More ...

Regular Expressions Subexpressions
In this article you learned how to use subexpressions to rearrange matches in a regular expression and how to replace the value of a subexpression match in the results. More ...

Area of a Quadrilateral Calculator
If you have a regular quadrilateral there are simple formulas to calculate the area. But if you have an irregular quadrilateral you can calculate its area by viewing it as two triangles bucked up against one another. Find the area of each triangle, and then add them together. More ...

Regular Expressions Boundaries
In this article you learn how to controls where a regular expression matches a string, on a word or non-word boundary, at the beginning or end of a string. You also learned about multiline mode. More ...

The Evolution of Hard Disk Bit Recording
Hard drive technology has continuously improved over the decades, that includes higher storage capacity performance. Part of this improvement has been higher access speeds, but most of the higher storage capacity has been the result of changes in the bit recording methods. More ...

Introduction to Draw SVG Free Online SVG Drawing Application
A drawing created on a computer can be posted directly on the Web. Drawing on a computer with a vector drawing program is the best way to go. Draw SVG seems to meet the need. In this article I touched on only a tiny part of what Draw SVG can do. More ...

Online Color Coded Resistor Calculator
To determine the resistance value of a color-coded resistor, select the colors matching each band from the drop-down lists. More ...

Understanding Modern PC Specifications
There is a huge variety of different PCs available out there. Its no wonder that consumers are confused about what to buy. This article explains modern PC specifications. More ...

Html5 section vs article Element Best Practices
Many new semantic elements where added to HTML5. The purpose of most of these new elements was easily discernible. But a web search reveals that there is much confusion about the relationship between the article and the section element. More ...

A Brief Introduction to 3D Printing
Previously, the only ways to create 3D objects was casting and molding. 3D printing involves creating an object by laying down layer over layer of material, building the object from the bottom up. 3d printing is great for rapid prototyping. 3d printing is also a great way for a home artist to express their creativity. More ...

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