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Regular Expression: Alternation
In this article you learn how to create an alternation regular expression that will match alternate patterns in a string. More ...

Html5 section vs article Element Best Practices
Many new semantic elements where added to HTML5. The purpose of most of these new elements was easily discernible. But a web search reveals that there is much confusion about the relationship between the article and the section element. More ...

Create Your Own Database Using Only Notepad : CDV
In this article you learn how to create a database using only a basic text editor along with any web browser. You won't believe how simple and powerful this method is. The database we design will have powerful features. More ...

What is a Regular Expression?
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. Regular expressions are very powerful, but also difficult to understand and complicated to use. More ...

Introduction to HTML
A Web server sends the response to the client browser with a set of instructions written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language). HTML consists of tags that define the structure of a web page. It is the standard markup language for documents to be displayed in a web browser. More ...

Regular Expressions Boundaries
In this article you learn how to controls where a regular expression matches a string, on a word or non-word boundary, at the beginning or end of a string. You also learned about multiline mode. More ...

Export Inkscape Drawing as an Image
Although Inkscape images can be embedded in webpages, for most other applications you'll need a raster image format. Inkscape can export your drawing in the .png raster image format. More ...

Gift Giving in the Workplace
One thing that can add to the stress of the holiday season is workplace gift giving. giving a gift to a supervisor or manager sets up a conflict of interest and an ethics problem. In my opinion, holiday gifts should be given only to children. More ...

Inkscpe Snap Controls Bar
some Inkscape users find snap annoying and so they disable it. Other Inkscape user's could not possibly work without snap. You can convert SVG to STL to print 3D models. But to do that you need accuracy that you cannot achieve without snap. More ...

A capacitor is an electronic component that can store electric charge. A capacitor is constructed with two conductive plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. More ...

Installing IIS on Windows 10
If you want to test your Classic ASP scripts, IIS (Internet Information Services) is a feature that included with every Windows 10 operating system, but it is an option, so you do have to install it first. More ...

Fiber Optic Bend Radius Standards
Fiber optic cable can be damaged by placing too much tension on the cable or bending the cable excessively during installation. Excessive bending or too much pulling force can permanently damage the fiber by causing micro cracks. More ...

Speed Up Windows 10 by Disabling Trivial Visual Effects
Does your Windows 10 PC perform annoyingly slow? You may be able to get a significant performance boost by disabling unnecessary visual effects. Here's how. More ...

Fundamentals of Windows Security
Today, criminals are more sophisticated, and groups have formed with significant financial backing to support the wrong doings of these groups. This book is for system administrators, cybersecurity and technology professionals, solutions architects, or anyone interested in learning how to secure their Windows-based systems. More ...

Access Useful Laptop Settings in the Windows Mobility Center
Some useful laptop settings are collected together in a group called the Windows Mobility Center. Near the top of the secret menu, select Mobility Center. Here you'll find controls for setting the screen brightness, sound volume, screen orientation, and such. More ...

Windows Event Logs for Maintaining or Troubleshooting Your PC
Your PC keeps logs of everything that happens. You can use the information in these logs to help maintain and troubleshoot and your PC. More ...

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