I hate to disappoint Stephen Hawking, but the whole universe was created just to annoy me.

Draw with your finger

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Regular Expressions Lookarounds
In this article you learn how to match a pattern only when it comes after another pattern (or after not that pattern) or only when it comes before another pattern (or before not that pattern). More ...

Find Your WiFi Password on Windows 10
One of the most common reasons to find your Wi-Fi password is to use it on another PC or device to connect to your Wi-Fi network. Here's how. More ...

Network on a Chip (NoC)
NoC (Network on a Chip) is a method of placing a much larger number of processors on a multi-core chip. Much like a regular network, NoC has multiple point-to-point data links that are interconnected by routing switches. More ...

Export Inkscape Drawing as an Image
Although Inkscape images can be embedded in webpages, for most other applications you'll need a raster image format. Inkscape can export your drawing in the .png raster image format. More ...

Regular Expression: Alternation
In this article you learn how to create an alternation regular expression that will match alternate patterns in a string. More ...

Windows 10 Disable Aero Snap and Shake
With Aero Snap and Shake Windows does what it wants to do, not what you want it to do. More ...

How to Draw an Airplane
Drawing an airplane is much easier if you first construct two-point perspective guidelines. This article shows you how to draw an airplane in ten easy steps. More ...

Easy JavaScript FileReader Code
The JavaScript FileReader object allows web pages to read files stored on the user's computer. Files may be selected using the input element, or selected with a drag and drop operation. More ...

PowerShell Script to Show Last 5 Errors in Event Log
The Windows System eventlog is one of the most powerful components of the operating system because it keeps a log of everything that happens. Here I provide a powershell script to display the last 5 error entries in the log. More ...

Inkscape Shadows and Highlights
Adding shadows and highlights to your drawings can create a touch of realism. In this article you learn how to add shadows and highlights to your Inkscape drawings. More ...

Area of an Ellipse Calculator
It's easy to calculate the area of an ellipse because it's similar to calculating the area of a circle ecept instead of Pi times the radius squared, its Pi times the long axis times the short axis. More ...

Inkscape Preferences
Inkscape is a highly configurable application. Many of these configuration options can be set through the Preferences dialog box. There is probably a hundred things you can configure through the Preferences dialog box. Here I'll describe a couple of the most important ones. More ...

A capacitor is an electronic component that can store electric charge. A capacitor is constructed with two conductive plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. More ...

Self-Esteem and Success
A person with high self-esteem believes that they are a worthwhile and important person. A person with low self-esteem believes that others are better than them, and that they deserve to treated badly by others. More ...

Regular Expression Position Matching
In this article you how to use regular expressions to match characters at the beginning, end, both beginning and end, or at any specified location in a string. More ...

The Evolution of Hard Disk Bit Recording
Hard drive technology has continuously improved over the decades, that includes higher storage capacity performance. Part of this improvement has been higher access speeds, but most of the higher storage capacity has been the result of changes in the bit recording methods. More ...

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