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Microsoft's Support Websites

Possibly the largest source of free technical information on the planet, Microsoft's support websites provide information not only about Microsoft products, but about a full spectrum of computer and Internet technology.

Microsoft Product Support Centers

Select your product from the drop-down list or click one of the links to view support information, common issues, downloads, related sites, instructions, troubleshooters, and much more. You'll find links for everything from Windows to DirectX games. All the information for Microsoft products is here.

Microsoft TechNet

Designed to meet the technical information needs of anyone who plans, evaluates, deploys, maintains, or supports Microsoft business products, the TechNet support site provides technical Briefings, bulletins and security alerts. Search TechNet for detailed "how-to" information on Microsoft products.

Microsoft Developer Network

The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) is designed to help developers write applications using Microsoft products and technologies. Search the online support site that provides detailed information for development professionals concerning Microsoft products.

When you find the information you want on one of Microsoft's support websites, don't just save a link to the information. Information on these sites shuffles and moves around faster than menu items in a new version of a Microsoft application. You should save a copy of the information if possible.

More Search Section Information:
• Acreage Calculator
• Understanding Roman Numerals
• Google Maps
• America's Byways
• Screen Tape Adding Machine
• Improper Fraction to Mixed Number / Mixed Number to Improper Fraction Calculator
• TouchGraph Google Browser
• State Abbreviations
• Periodic Table of the Elements
• Banner Exchanges

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