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Flight Attendant jobs are one of the most sought after on the planet. Literally thousands of hopeful candidates apply every year to get the career of their dreams flying all over the world to exotic locations and getting paid for it.

So if you're one of the very lucky applicants who are invited for an airline interview or to a Flight Attendant Assessment Day then you had better be well prepared. The thing is, there might be hundreds of other candidates who have already been employed in this position by other airlines so you are up against experienced candidates are well as newbies, like yourself.

I really can't stress enough the need for you to be absolutely 100% well-groomed on your airline interview or assessment day. All airlines expect their flying crews to give a professional and elegant image as airline branding is now all important in the fiercely competitive aviation world.

How to Dress for Your Airline Interview

Remember, YOU are the airline's ambassador on board the aircraft and what you do will have a direct influence on whether those customers will choose to travel again with your airline. Lost revenue usually means lost jobs!

Always play it safe and wear business attire, a suit always impresses interviewers (even though some airlines actually have a casual uniform, you need to dress professionally for your job interview). Make sure it's clean and has no missing buttons or stains, as it's usually the small details the airline recruiters notice first.

1. Hair

It goes without saying that your hair should always be clean and tidy. If your hair is longer than shoulder length it's best to put it up in a bun (or doughnut as it's affectionately known) as this gives the impression you've taken time to be professional and give the right impression.

2. Make-up

Make-up should always be applied - but not overdone. Most airlines prefer their Flight Attendants to wear make-up, especially lipstick as again it can fit around their 'branding' image of the glamour associated with flying (although nowadays, it really is more hard work on board than glamorous!).

3. Shoes

Shoes, of course, should be clean and polished - this is one big giveaway on your attention to detail - so make sure you have dark business shoes prepared. They don't have to be expensive, they just have to be designed for business use and not casual.

4. Tattoos

Most airlines are very touchy about tattoos - if you have any on show when you wear the airline's uniform you won't get the job offer. Even a very small tattoo can STOP you being chosen by your preferred airline if you can't conceal it. So if you do HAVE tattoos you may want to try to conceal them (it may work).

When I went for my interview to become a Flight Attendant some years ago one of the female candidates had a very small tattoo on her foot and the hiring manager actually sent her home immediately - even before the start of the assessment day. So be warned! You may find it useful to search online for companies who sell products and cosmetics to cover up any tattoos you may have on show, if you do have a tattoo.

Would you love to work for an airline as a Flight Attendant and enjoy flying all over the world to exotic locations and be paid for it? It's a competitive industry so to help you get ahead of your competition then take a look at Ultimate Cabin Crew Interview Guide with over 400+ actual flight attendant interview questions with helpful answer Ideas and tips from airline professionals. Visit [the website cannot be found.]

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