Are you in pursuit of a job where you can make a lot of money but do not have a college degree? If so, get excited. Your wish for a high paying career with no degree is very possible. Therefore, here are some places and ways to find a high paying job without a college education.
First, think about the jobs that people do not want to do. There are many jobs that people do not pursue that pay very well. Two examples of jobs that people do not really dream about doing but can get paid well are in the farming and plumbing sectors. Farmers and plumbers easily make more money than people who have Associates, Bachelors, and some with Masters degrees. This is directly due to the demand of their services.
Next, explore jobs that will give you a certification. There are many trades that will train you then higher you as one of their specialist. A prime example is an insurance agent. Insurance companies and some financial brokers will train you and then give you an apprenticeship. If you secure your own agency, you can be making around six figures within the first three years depending on your customer base.
Jobs that require your creativity can pay extremely well too. People like musicians, artists, authors, and writers easily make more than people with Masters degrees and some Doctoral degrees. Musicians and artists can sell their works from as low as $200 to $10,000 or more. Authors and writers can receive publishing deals or get hired as columnists by top brand companies for the scribing skills.
Occupations that want you to look a certain way have a tendency to pay you nicely for being who you are. Models can make up to $50,000 or more for a photo shoot. However, people with larger body sizes can make money from special movie roles, sports, or security jobs.
Last but not the least, one of the easiest ways to have a high paying job without college credentials is to start a business. There are plenty of work from home jobs that will start you off making the same amount of money as somebody with a degree. There are also many self owned businesses you can hold if you plan to travel and take your services to people's houses or businesses.
As you can see, you can make a lot of money without going to college. Therefore, allow these avenues and tips to work for you and find yourself an excellent paying job without ever having to go to college.
I hope this article has been very enlightening to you. If you enjoyed what you read, and would like more advice, check out my video entitled 16 Career Improvement Tips! [ Video unavailable]
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