Job Hunting For Those Desperately Seeking a Job by John Hundley

Did you ever have a friend who simply could NOT get a date no matter what? Let me guess... the harder they tried the worse things got. And the more desperate your friend got, the faster he was rejected. It seemed like potential dates could "smell" your friend's desperation.

Well, in a way they could. The same principle applies to job hunting.

If you are desperate for a job, there are likely two types of employers you will see...

1. The predatory employer looking to take advantage of you.

2. Employers who can "smell" your desperation and turn the other way.

The first type is easy to see because they will offer you some trash job at little or no pay. The second type may simply be afraid to give you a chance. Why?

Because they've been burned before. And they know from experience desperate applicants will say or do almost anything to get hired. Simply put, they don't believe you will stick around no matter how good your application looks. As a matter of fact the better your resume looks, the more suspicious they are likely to be.

So how can you avoid looking desperate?

1. Take a realistic look at what you have to offer potential employers.

If you really want to work - this is a plus. Most employers are happy to find applicants who really want to work. But why do you really

Will it cost him less to train you because you already possess pertinent skills?
Can this employer benefit from your skills in ways they never considered?
Can you produce short term results that may make taking a chance on you a better risk?

Changing your perspective may mean the difference between begging for a bone and bringing some real value to the table.

2. Build your confidence

Remember your friend who couldn't get a date to save his (or her) life? Chances are they felt like they had little to offer in a relationship i.e. they had low self-esteem. Recognize how much you have to offer in addition to your direct job skills.

Do people like you in the workplace? Why?
Are you able to pick up new things fast?
Do you have skills that may be considered a "bonus"

Start building a list of work-related things you are good at. Review it often. Keep adding to it as you think of new things.

Chances are you have a lot more to offer than you give yourself credit for...

When you start getting down on yourself, think of your friend. Why was he your friend? What did he have to offer? Sure maybe he had bad skin, or an overbearing personality but once you got past those, there was a great person behind the facade.

Once you find a way past your "bad points", you'll also uncover some great "selling points". Also keep in mind, unless you have a major problem in your employment profile - like a prison record - then you're "blemishes" may not be as bad as you think.

3. Reinvent yourself.

Once you've got a list of your marketable skills and pluses, apply these to how they may benefit an employer. Think in terms of what the employers have told you about what they were looking for in the past. If you look at past interviews you may now see where you could have presented yourself better than you did.

4. Improve your skill set.

If the job market is looking for skills you just don't have - get them! It doesn't matter if you're one of the best "buggy whip makers" on the planet, the planet needs only so many these days. If you are not getting offers because you lack skills in your field you either need to get the skills or find a different occupation.

5. Keep going back.

Again, employers worth working for really want people who are eager to work. If you are persistent in your desire to work in a certain field, keep plugging away. Develop a relationship with the folks where you want to work.

Let them know you really want to work for their company and why.
Make sure you stay positive and upbeat.
Gently remind the employer you are willing to go that extra mile.

Eventually someone will decide you aren't going away and will either hire you or take you aside and tell you why you will never get a shot there.

Overall you need to walk into each interview with an "attitude"...

The downside is in tough times like this many of those who were once willing to give you a shot can be a lot choosier nowadays. One strategy you could use is applying for jobs you are overqualified for with employers in your field - with this added twist...

Negotiate an understanding with the employer up front that you will get first crack at any opportunities more in line with your qualifications. This may downplay the employer's fears that they will train you only to have you jump ship when the economy improves.

It might be worth suggesting (if true) you'd be willing to fill in once you are promoted. They may like having someone else available with no need to train them.

One type of place where this might work is a hospital. Let's say you're trained as a surgical technician. You could apply for a registration desk position. You will almost always an opening in hospital registration.

There's no reason you should be embarrassed about job hunting failures anymore. Get the information you need to find the job you want. If you want to read more about effective job hunting techniques visit [ cannot be found].

More Finding a Job Information:
• Applying for a Job? - Run a Background Check on Yourself
• The Behavioral Interview - What You Can Expect
• Top 10 Job Strategies for Recent College Graduates
• Expanding Your Resume - The Curriculum Vitae
• Are Headhunters calling you... or ignoring you?
• Job Finding Tips
• How to Get a Job With a Criminal Record
• How to Get a Job for Which You Are Not Really Qualified
• How to Apply For Unemployment Compensation
• Why Didn't I Get The Job?