No job lasts forever and for some, the sour taste and deflated feeling of getting fired may occur once or even more than once in a lifetime. This event may or may not have been of his or her doing. Dealing with a job termination doesn't have to be your fault; you may have exhibited a personality clash with your supervisor, manager, or head employer.
A merger or downsizing might have been the cause of your job loss. Perhaps, you never found a niche within the business and weren't performing to company standards. Sometimes, you simply made a mistake that was large enough to cause the termination of your job. Whatever the act or circumstances, there are plenty of things to consider once you lose your job.
Dealing With the Loss of Your Job
The way you have conducted your affairs prior to your job termination will make a heap of difference. For some individuals, a reasonable nest egg or tucked-away savings may help them survive until new employment can be found. For others, they are strapped for cash and more stressed out.
The first thing to do after job termination is to exhale and breathe deeply. You should take a short amount of time to relax because the event is nearly 100 percent irreversible, meaning you need to focus on the next steps to take. You should keep a positive attitude because the dark cloud of the termination will only slow you down from moving on.
Was It Justified?
Before you fully lay the circumstances of your job termination to rest, you should know that experts in the field state that at least 250,000 employees are fired each year upon illegal or unjustified circumstances. Determining whether or not you fit into this category could help make your future plans clearer.
If you think you were dealt with unfairly, you should gain the assistance and advice of another (preferably a lawyer). For some, this means obtaining access to unemployment benefits or additional compensation. The state unemployment office can also help.
Dealing With Resumes and Cover Letters
As you move on from a job termination, you should continue to present yourself in the best light when conducting a job search. In your resume or cover letters, it is not necessary to make mention of your termination. Your cover letter should mostly focus on basic information. The only time you should reveal the reason for leaving your last job is when you are asked.
Handling Applications
As you fill out job applications, you shouldn't add negative aspects pertaining to your job history (such as a job termination), but it is important to remain honest and refrain from lying. Almost always, this act will lead to mistrust and disaster when your background has been checked, eventually revealing your job termination. If an application specifically asks for the reason for leaving your previous job, you should use terms, such as "job ended,' "position ended," or "terminated."
When Interviewing
During a live interview, one of the most frequently asked questions is why you no longer work at your last job. Some job experts recommend to beat the interviewer to the punch and volunteer the information before the question is even asked, which may allow you to move on quicker from the subject.
Brevity and honesty is the key to focus on when dealing with this subject. To deflect the negativity of the situation, you could offer a lesson that you learned from the experience or how the circumstances benefited you as a worker.
Practicing your answers for questions dealing with job termination will go a long way. The more you become comfortable with answering questions on the subject, the better your responses during interviews will become.
It is important to keep in mind that lying will never serve a greater purpose. Most companies make sure they check references and investigate background details. The subject of a job termination is most likely to come up when contacting former employers.
Moving On
No matter how hurt you may feel from a job termination or how traumatic the circumstances, moving on from the situation will only make finding a new place of employment an easier journey. The best reaction to losing a job is to evaluate the condition in which the event took place so that the same dealings do not take place when you secure a new job.
When interviewing and filling out applications, concentrate on the positive points and skills you have to offer a new company, business, or office. This will help you to better sell yourself to a potential employer.
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