In this bad economy many people are having a difficult time finding a job. Is that because jobs are really scarce, or because they're buying into the many job finding misconceptions floating around out there? Knowledge is power, and in this article you'll learn the truth about the job market in a bad economy. Here's a list of five job finding misconceptions:
1. There are no job openings.
Each month about 120,000 people leave the workforce through retirement, illness, quit, get fired, go to prison, start business, start school, leave the country, or a multitude of other reasons. For example - more than 3 million baby boomers turn 65 each year, and about half of them quit their jobs. All these become job openings. That's right, there are 120,000 new job openings each month. All you need to do is find one of those job openings.
2. You can't find a job opening.
In a bad economy, employers don't advertise job openings. That's because if they did, they couldn't handle the onslaught of applicants. In a bad economy one job ad would result in a rush of hundreds, if not thousands of applications. If their staff had to deal with this many job applicants, it would bring the company to a halt.
For this reason, companies prefer to just "put the word out" through their current employees and their friends to see if they know anyone that might be looking for a job and is qualified to fill the position. All you need to do is network and communicate to everyone you know that you're looking for a job and what kind of job you want.
3. Employers don't want to hire the unemployed.
Employers picture the unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed, as demoralized, having been laid back for too long, and not up-to-date with the latest trends in their field. If you can get yourself or your resume in front of an employer you have to convince them that you are not discouraged or demoralized, that you are optimistic and energetic and that, not only are you not out-of-date with the latest trends in your field, but that because of things you have been doing (contacting people in your industry, participating in industry events, and getting more education) that in fact you have improved your competency.
4. I can't find a job with the pay and benefits I need, and the work schedule that I want.
Employers really don't give a damn about what you need or want. They care only about what you can do for them. In a bad economy you have to make sacrifices. In a bad economy any job is a good job. Because as I said earlier, employers don't want to hire the unemployed, you need to get yourself employed.
Once employed it will be much easier for you to learn about, and get hired into, a position that more closely meets your needs and wants. But don't give any prospective employer even the slightest hint that the position they are offering is anything but perfect for you.
5. I make contacts and go to interviews, but they never get back to me.
As I said earlier, employers do have open positions that they need filled. These unfilled positions are causing problems in their businesses. Tasks are not being completed. Schedules are being missed. Opportunities are being lost. But in a bad economy, even if a job position has been approved for hiring, they are somewhat wary. They like to delay filling a position until absolutely necessary. You have to be persistent and keep contacting them. Eventually you'll contact them on a day when not filling the open position is causing them a real problem. Then you're hired!
In this bad economy there are many job finding misconceptions floating around. Are you having a difficult time finding a job because you're buying into these misconceptions? Knowledge is power, and in this article you learned the truth about the job market in a bad economy. Now go get one of those 120,000 new positions that open each month.
More Finding a Job Information:
• Job Finding Tips
• College Graduates - How to Find a Job During an Economic Crisis
• The Ins and Outs of Apprenticeship Programs
• How to Write a Resume - Objective vs. Summary Statements
• How Social Networking Can Help You Get a Job
• Four Steps for Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search
• The Telephone Interview - Ten Tips for Making a Good Impression
• Questionaire - Does Your Job Suck?
• Job Search for the Older Worker
• Job Hunting? The Internet May be Your Best Resource