Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring

Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring

Today's job market is the toughest in recent history, and the challenges are here to stay. Even so, you CAN get the job you want – IF you discard conventional approaches to the search. Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring is the ONLY career book that:

Explains the special strategies necessary to land a job during an economic crisis
Integrates comprehensive, practical guidance on both job search and career management
Provides an extensive online “Job Search Survival Toolkit” to augment the book
Addresses the realities of this job market with real-world, actionable steps
Positions this downturn in the economy as a positive opportunity to develop a much better career

In this book, career expert Ford R. Myers maps the new world of job search and reveals essential strategies for your success. You'll learn how to seize opportunities that aren't posted yet - how to make yourself an instant asset to potential employers - how to clearly stand-out as the best candidate ... and how to leverage social media, blogs, and other Web tools.

Best of all, you'll learn how to “recession-proof” your career for the long term. Can YOU Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring? With this powerful new book – YES, you can!


Part 1. The Psychology of Job Hunting in a Down Market

1. Yes, The Job Market Is Bad - Really Bad
2. It's Okay to Feel Frustrated, Depressed, Afraid, Helpless, or Disoriented
3. This Has Happened Before and It Will Happen Again
4. Why Your Chances Are Better Than You Think
5. The Number-One Secret to Job Search Sucess
6. Tough Times Highlight the Difference Between Your Job and Your Career
7. Most Job-Humting Advice Doesn't Apply in a World Turned Upside Down
8. You Can't Stop the Storm, So Learn to Work in the Rain
9. How You Can Get A Better Job Faster When Times Are Tough
10. When No One's Hiring, Focus and Clarity Are More Important Than Ever
11. Your Attitude and Assumptions Will Dictate Your career Fate
12. Seven Truths of Career Success, for Both Good Times and Bad
13. How Employers React When There Are More Workers Than Jobs
14. Twenty habits of Highly Effective Job Seekers in a Down Market
15. Hidden Sources of Career Support, Information, and Advice

A reader from California says, "I am giving 'Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring' an excellent rating for several reasons. You get a lot of bang for your buck. This comprehensive resource covers all aspects of the job search, and is a workbook too with exercises to help you gain clarity on what you have to offer and what you want. Also many sample documents, such as resumes, cover letters, job tracking forms, etc., are included.

"Mr. Myers states that the job search is an 'inside job' and an 'outside job,' and he provides strategies for the reader to be successful in both realms of career management. Mr. Myers introduces concepts that most people don't consider when selling themselves on the job search - such as providing an employer with a 'Testimonial Page,' and submitting a 'Perfect Match Letter.'

"The author also explains exactly how to avoid revealing your salary requirements, and how to have more bargaining power when negotiating an offer. As I read this book, I felt like I had a seasoned career coach by my side, guiding me through each step of the job search process. In short, "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring" is a unique, powerful resource - especially now when the job market is so challenging!"

You CAN find a job in a bad economy—but not with conventional search strategies. To win a job now, you need a recession-proof plan. Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring explains why your chances are better than you think, gives you the strategies to land your dream job, and includes:

The twenty habits of effective job-hunters in a down market
Why your resume is your least important job-search tool
Tips on building an online career identity with blogs, web sites, and social media

"Ford Myers' excellent Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring shows you clearly and realistically how to be one of the millions of people who land a job rather than the millions who lose a job. His book should be required reading for anyone facing unemployment." — Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the Guerrilla Marketing series of books


Part 2. From Desperation to Career Strategies for Tough Times

16. What Do You Really Want to be Doing When the Economy Turns Around?
17. The Pay My Bills Strategy
18. Why You can't Afford Not to Have a Strategic Plan
19. In a Bad Job Market, You Must Work Backwords to Reach Your Goals
20. Career Sucess i an Inside Job
21. The Start at the Beginnin Strategy
22. The Dream Job Strategy
23. The Ideal Workday Strategy
24. The Stepping Stone Strategy
25. From Exploration to Execution
26. Excellent Tools to Help You Get a Job When No One's Hiring
27. Narrowing Your Choices Is Eaasier Than You Think
28. The Employer Wish List Strategy
29. You Must Be rystal Clear on Your Perfect Job Before It Can Become a Reality

Heather Szczepanski of Norway says, "Having bought several books on how to improve my interview techniques, how to search and where, this book is the best one. For a start its up to date and takes into consideration todays difficult market due to the financial crisis. Ford Myers takes you through all the pitfalls and comes up with concrete suggestions, and why he is suggesting them. I think there is something in this book for everyone looking for or changing jobs and I would highly recommend it."

"Mounting a strategic job search can be confusing, especially when compounded by the emotional toll of job loss and an economic crisis. Myers' book explains how to find a job that fits your long-term career goals. Armed with renewed confidence and a strategic plan, a good job is attainable." — Robyn Greenspan, Editor in Chief, ExecuNet


Part 3 Leveraging Your Core Job Seeker Materials

30. The Best Tools Get the Best Jobs, Especially in a Down market
31. Surprise: Your Resume Is Your Least Important Tool
32. Survival of the Fittest Is the Law of the Job Search Jungle
33. Accomplishment Stories Are Your Most Powerful Selling Tools
34. Verbal Presentations: What to Say and How to Say It
35. Your Professional Biography Will Be Your Most Frequently Used Tool
36. Developing a Target Company List Builds Your Momentum and Focus
37. Deploy an Army of People Who Can Help You: Build Your Contact List
38. Professional Refreneces Help You Prove You're the Real Deal
39. Letters of Recommendation Demonstrate Your Bottom-Line Value

Fernando Griebenow of Lima, Peru says, "I live in Peru and lost my job in a multinational company last June. After some research and having decided to keep my savings to pay my bills instead of hiring a head hunter, I bought only two books, one of them was this one. After reading it and completing every excercise I found myself with an organized toolkit that really guided me and made me understand every step of the job seeking process and how it could be harmful to make shortcuts. The more I read, I recognized my mistakes in previous interviews, my wrong answers, and learned how to improve details in my communications. Once I finished, I used to review the highlighted paragraphs in my van before each interview. It worked.

"I could structure my search, prepare my own 30 seconds commercial, feel more confident and could undersand better what was behind the most common but important questions interviewers use to make. I got really prepared to answer questions without even showing a doubt or losing a second to think in accomplishments or success facts. This book really helped me to find my new job, after four months of disciplinated reading and advice following. I strongly recommend it."


Part 4 Job Search Tactics to Use When No One's Hiring

40. Networking is Not Part of Your Job Search - Networking Is Your Job Search
41. Great Networkers Are Not Great Talkers; They're Great Listeners
42. Never "Wing it" When You're Networking - Use an Agenda
43. Meeting with Hiring Managers Is Your Number-One Speed Advantage
44. Masters of Networking Use a Networking Script
45. When No One's Hiring, the Best Way to Get a Job is Not to Look For a Job
46. Tracking Your Networking Is as Important as the Networking Itself
47. The Networking Mini-Newsletter Helps You Stand Out When No One's Hiring
48. The Number-One Way to Get Hired When No One's Hiring
49. Create Your Online Career Identity - Blogs, Personal Web Site, and Social Media
50. Beyond Making the Most of the Web When No One's Hiring
52. You Can Package a Strong Resume in Many Formats
53. How to Use a Resume Addendum
54. The Most Obvious Ways to Find a Job Are Usually the Biggest Wastes of Time
55. Write Your Own Book on Career Success
56. Every Company Is Hiring All the Time, Even in a Down Economy
57. A Strong Cover Letter is Designed to Get You an Interview
58. Cover Letters That Open Doors for Any Situation
59. Recruiters Are Not in Business to Help You
60. Interviewing: Psychology, Strategies, Tactics, and Practice
61. Interviewing Survival Guide for When No One's Hiring
62. Seal the Deal with Testimonials
63. Negotiation: The Rules of the Game Work in Any Economy
64. Don't Be Afraid to Negotiate in A Down Market - Be Afraid Not to
65. Twenty-One Rules of the Negotiating Game
66. The Simplest Formula for Negotiating Sucess
67. Salary Negotiation Made Simple: What to Say and How to Say It
68. Everything Is Negotiable - Yes, Everything
69. The Number-One Most Important Salary Negotiating Fact
70. Comparing, Accepting, and Rejecting Offers
71. Congratulations! You Got the Job

"If you feel alone in this tough and puzzling job market, Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring is a must-have. No matter where you are on your professional journey, this book will show you step by step how to reinvent, reignite, and reestablish your career." —Beverly Kaye, CEO and Founder, Career Systems International, and author of Up Is Not The Only Way"


Part 5 Bulletproof Your career, Once and for All

72. Landing Your Job Is Not the End - It's the Beginning
73. Celebrate Your New Job
74. How to Avoid Winding Up on the Street Again
75. Perpetual Career Management Is Your Insurance Policy
76. Learn from the Past, Build Toward the Future
77. The First 90 Days Make All the Difference
78. Relationships keep You Moving Up in a Down Economy
79. Establish a Reputaion for Producing Tangible Results
80. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate - Then Deliver the Goods
81. Review and Fine-Tune Your Job Description with Your Manager
82. Maintain a Healthy Balance Between Your Work and Private Life
83. Never Feel Helpless Again - No Matter How Bad the Job Market Gets

Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring

You CAN find a good job in a bad economy – but NOT with conventional search strategies. Click here for more information.

More Finding a Job Information:
• How do you hold on to your Job during a Recession?
• The Telephone Interview - Ten Tips for Making a Good Impression
• The Ins and Outs of Apprenticeship Programs
• How to Write an Entry Level Resume
• How to Sell Yourself to an Employer
• What to Do After Job Termination
• How to Succeed at a Job Interview
• Staffing Agencies - Just What Do They Do?
• Five Simple Steps to Finding a Job
• How to Use LinkedIn for Your Job Search