How to Fix Svchost.exe Error by Pete F Morgan

"Svchost.exe" is a service host program that allows several other programs to run together to save memory usage. To give you an idea of how useful this process is, programs run simultaneously using "svchost" was discovered to save around 700 KB as compared to programs that were made to run on their own.

The existence of svchost can be attributed to Microsoft's decision to convert Windows services executable files (".exe") into more efficient dynamic-link libraries (".dll"). Since.dll only functions when there's an ".exe" program to launch it, they created different types of service hosts to accomplish various tasks.

If you use the task manager or "tasklist.exe", you may see that there are many svchost processes working all at the same time. This is usually normal, since several programs are distributed in separate service hosts. This separation helps in avoiding massive shut downs.

On the downside, this confuses people because the specific applications grouped under each "svchost" are not shown, and the presence of multiple svchost often causes alarm. Computer users also complain of the "exe" file's high memory usage, and there are times when it uses the full memory capacity of the computer so it slows down or hangs. Otherwise, it can have glitches and cause other problems.

Solving Service Host Problems

Know What the "Exe" Files Are Doing

To see the individual programs running under a service host, you can do either of the following:

Use the task manager. Open the task manager by clicking control alt delete or right clicking the Windows taskbar and selecting Start Task Manager. Then, click Processes, making sure you have clicked the option to show processes from all users. You will see service hosts; right click the name then select Go to Service(s) to see the host's services.
• Use the command prompt. Type tasklist "/SVC" then press enter. The services under each will be listed beside the exe files.
• Know if the file is authentic.

This is easier done in task manager. Right click the host program and select the Properties option. Check for the Microsoft Corporation signature. If there isn't any, it's possible that it's a virus. You can also use the command prompt task list and see if all svchost are running in "system32". If not, it could be a malicious program.

Stop or Pause the Program and its Components

Once you discovered the applications governed by the service host programs, or if you noticed that they are not registered under Microsoft, you could choose to pause or terminate them if you suspect that they are causing the error.

Using "MSCONFIG". Press Start, Search, and then type MSCONFIG. Click on the icon and then Services. Remove the check mark beside Svchost and select Apply.
• Using Task Manager. Press on Svchost or the particular service under it by going to Service(s). Click on pause or end process.
• Using command prompt. Type net stop then the name of the service, putting in a space between net stop and the service name. Or, use net pause and the service label.
• Using services.msc. Find the Start button, click it and press Run. Type services.msc. Click the specific service you want to disable, and then press Stop.
• This measure can cut computer memory usage and speed up your pc. However, you could also use a free pc optimizer and achieve the same results without having to do the changes yourself.

Remove Svchost Viruses

Get a virus scanner and select the full scan option. It will find out whether the service host exe is a virus masquerading as a legitimate Windows program. If it's proven to be malware, permanently delete the file.

Fix Windows Update

Svchost errors may be caused by neglecting to receive Windows updates. Press Start and then Run. Type "services msc" in the box. Search for Windows Updates or Automatic Updates in the list that pops up. Double click on this. Among the tabs, click General then Service. See if this is started; if not, press the start button underneath the status. Restart the computer.

Do a System Restore

There are times when changes to the system can affect how the svchost runs. This may or may not work depending on whether the restore point is a time that occurred before the harmful update took place. Click on the Start icon, All Programs, System Tools, and then look for System Restore. Set your restore point to the time before the svchost started glitching.

Seek Expert Help

In case these did not work or made the problem worse, consider calling a technician to check your computer. It is possible that the svchost is not the only thing that needs fixing, or something else is causing the problem. No matter what the cause may be, a reliable professional can pinpoint the issue and make the appropriate intervention.

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