Linux Operating System

Raspberry Pi 400 PC in a Keyboard Raspberry Pi 400 takes the same components as Raspberry Pi 4, including the system-on-chip and memory and puts them in a compact keyboard.

Linux System Calls and Support
There are several kinds of kernel features available to user processes. For example, system calls (or syscalls) perform specific tasks that a user process alone cannot do well or at all. For example, the acts of opening, reading, and writing files. More ...

The Death of Windows
If want you to explore and learn about Linux without uninstalling Windows or making any changes to your PC, Knoppix is the way to go. maybe someday everyone will carry a Knoppix CD and a CD-RW to use on any computer they find. That day will truly be the death of Windows. More ...

Working With Files in Linux
With the availability of OpenOffice, a free Open Source version of Microsoft Office which includes a Word compatible word processor, an Excel compatible spreadsheet, and a PowerPoint compatible presentation application, you no longer need to use Microsoft Windows. More ...

Installing Software on Fedora
With windows, you execute the applications setup program (by double-clicking on setup.exe) and, 99 percent of the time, the application will install succesfully. Compare that to installing software on Linux, where you're supposed to search internet repositories and gather all the components required for the program. More ...

Linux Installation CDs vs. Linux "Live" CDs
You need to learn how to use Linux. And the best way to get Linux training is to work with it and get real, practical Linux experience. There are lots of different ways to get Linux, and lots of different versions of Linux to choose from! More ...

Commands to Display Your Linux Computer's Hardware Information
Get the details on the hardware inside your Linux computer from the command line. More ...

Know linux
Linux is growing steadily year after year. With a passionate community backing it, with big companies Like IBM and HP pledging their support for it, it's no wonder Linux, the wonder operating system for servers of the past, has also made it to the desktops of today. More ...

How Linux Works
To master Linux, you need to understand its internals, like how the system boots, how networking works, and what the kernel actually does. Brian Ward makes the concepts behind Linux internals accessible to anyone curious about the inner workings of the operating system. More ...

What You Need to Know to Set Up a Simple Firewall in Linux
Like any other OS, Linux needs to be protected with a firewall. Essentially, a firewall is a protective fence that keeps unwanted external data and software out and sensitive internal data and software in. More ...

The Linux File System
Linux uses a whole different file system philosophy than Windows. Windows automatically assigns a drive letter to every partition and drive it finds. But Linux makes every partition and drive a subdirectory of the root (/) partition. More ...

Installing Fedora 3 Linux
Installing Fedora is as simple as inserting the first CD-ROM into the drive and rebooting. But first make sure that your system is set to boot from the CD drive. Watch the on-screen messages as the system boots. More ...

Linux Display Settings
Linux uses a free version of the X Window System called Xfree86 to control your display. Xfree86 supports VGA, Super VGA, and some accelerated video adapters. If you have a new video card, or new motherboard with on-board video, you may want to download the latest version of Xfree86. More ...

Setting Up a Linux Modem
Almost all modems manufactured today are software modems, usually referred to as winmodems. Even though we pay a lot for a winmodem, they are cheap to manufacture because they use very little electronics. More ...

What is Linux?
Linux is an operating system that was not created by a corporation or by someone out to make money. The Linux core was created by Linus Torvalds who wanted to create a Unix-like system that would work on home computers. More ...

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