Linux Operating System

Raspberry Pi 400 PC in a Keyboard Raspberry Pi 400 takes the same components as Raspberry Pi 4, including the system-on-chip and memory and puts them in a compact keyboard.

Linux Process Management
On a modern operating system, many processes run simultaneously. For example, you might have a web browser and a spreadsheet open on a desktop computer at the same time. However, things are not as they appear: on a single-core CPU the processes do not run at exactly the same time. More ...

What is Ubuntu?
Ubuntu is a completely free, easy-to-use, and popular Linux distribution that is geared toward the desktop user and is designed to be user friendly. More ...

View Your Linux Server's Network Connections With Netstat
Netstat is a command-line network utility that displays network connections, routing tables, and a number of network interfaces, and network protocol statistics. This artilce shows how to view Your Linux Server's Network Connections With Netstat. More ...

Linux Display Settings
Linux uses a free version of the X Window System called Xfree86 to control your display. Xfree86 supports VGA, Super VGA, and some accelerated video adapters. If you have a new video card, or new motherboard with on-board video, you may want to download the latest version of Xfree86. More ...

Connecting Linux to the Internet
Today, a computer without Internet access would be severely limited. Mozilla running on Linux provides more reliable and secure Internet access than Internet Explorer running on Microsoft Windows. More ...

Protect Your Android Device From Malware
The growth rate of mobile devices continues to soar. Android is the leading operating system for mobile devices. Cybercriminals have intensified their efforts to hack into Android devices. More ...

Linux su vs sudo: What's the Difference?
A comparison of the su and sudo Linux commands for escalating privileges for non-root users. More ...

How to Dual Boot Windows XP and Ubuntu 8
If you want to have access to both a Windows and Linux environment on your computer, this guide will show you an easy way to have that using Windows XP and Ubuntu 8. It is assumed that you already have Windows XP installed on your computer and that you have Ubuntu 8 Desktop Edition downloaded and burned onto a CD already. More ...

How to Partition a Drive for Linux and Microsoft Windows
If you only have a single hard drive available in your PC, you need to create separate areas (called partitions) on the hard drive for Windows and Linux. This article walks through the process of how to do that, but first, you need to understand how partitions work. More ...

What is Bash?
A shell is a computer program which exposes an operating systems services to a human user or other program. It normally uses a command-line interface, but may have a graphical user interface. It is called a shell because it is the outermost layer around the operating system. More ...

Installing Fedora 3 Linux
Installing Fedora is as simple as inserting the first CD-ROM into the drive and rebooting. But first make sure that your system is set to boot from the CD drive. Watch the on-screen messages as the system boots. More ...

Check Used Disk Space on Linux With du Command
On most personal devices, drives get filled up with photos and videos and music, on servers, drives get filled up with data in user accounts and log files. You can check in on disk usage with the du command. More ...

Linux Memory User Space
Linux Memory is divided into two distinct areas: user space, which is a set of locations where user processes run, and kernel space, which is the location where the code of the kernel is stored, and executes under. More ...

Linux Server Step-by-Step Configuration Guide
This book contains no boring theory. Instead it's packed with 54 hands-on, step-by-step exercises and 185 graphics including screen captures showing you exactly what you should be seeing on your own screen. More ...

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