Windows System Administration

WSH to Master Your Computer
With Windows 2000 and higher, Microsoft included a program called Windows Scripting Host (WSH) that allows scripts to be run on a computer outside of a webpage. In effect, DOS batch files have returned, except scripts are multi-tasking and have a lot more power. More ...

Video Tutorial 3 - The Windows 7 Backup and Restore Utility
This is a series of tutorials about how to use Windows 7 Backup and Restore Utility. In Tutorial 1 you learned how to perform a backup. In Tutorial 2 you learned how to recover files from a backup. In this Tutorial You'll learn how to restore your PC from a system image. More ...

Set Up Parental Controls
Windows has a feature called Parental Controls that you can use to help manage how your children use the computer. You can restrict the hours that they can use the computer, which specific programs they can run, and which specific websites they can access. More ...

PowerShell Script to Show Last 5 Errors in Event Log
The Windows System eventlog is one of the most powerful components of the operating system because it keeps a log of everything that happens. Here I provide a powershell script to display the last 5 error entries in the log. More ...

How to Setup DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) on a Windows Server
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) gives hosts on a network all of the IP information they need to communicate. IP Address, Subnet Mast, Gateway Address, DNS servers and WINS server addresses. For ease of administration DHCP is a great feature to help setup a computer network quickly. More ...

Application, Program, Process, Service, Thread; What Does it All Mean?
Although applications, services, and processes are all pretty much the same thing, generally if its a program that displays a user interface, you should call it an application. A program that doesn't displays a user interface, you should call a service. More ...

Use the HOSTS File to Block Web Sites
When you type a domain name into your Web browser, Internet Protocol contacts a computer that is a domain name server to look up the IP address of the Web site. In the early days, the Internet didn't need domain name servers. More ...

Installing a Local Printer on Windows Vista
Installing a local printer, especially a USB printer, is a non-issue on Windows Vista. You connect it, turn it on, and Vista automatically installs it. But if you have a less common printer, an older printer, or if you've previously removed the printer and want to add it again, you may need to use the Printer Wizard. More ...

Disable Cutesy Effects to Speed Up Windows 10
If you have someone on your butt to be more productive, or you rely on your productivity to earn a living, then to increase your computer's performance (and thereby your performance) you need to get rid of all the cutesy animations, fades, shadows, and slides that Windows performs. More ...

A Handful of Useful Run Commands: calc, notepad, wordpad, voice recorder, control
The Run dialog box which can be opened by pressing the [Windows] + [R] keys. Run dialog box is a rapid way to open programs. Here are some quick and useful Run commands. More ...

Retrieving Information from Computers Belonging to an Active Directory OU
This PowerShell script queries a particular Organizational Unit (OU) in your Active Directory for a list of computers. It will then use WMI to query various properties of those computers and output it into table format. More ...

Disable Long Filenames to Improve Window's Performance
To be backword compatible with 16-bit FAT partitions, both the VFAT and the NTFS file systems create two names for each file, the long filename and a short filename compatible with the FAT file system. More ...

What is Windows Aero and Mouse Gestures?
Aero is Microsoft's new gimmicky graphical user interface for Windows Visa and Windows 7. Its main feature is the translucent glassy window borders, allowing background objects to be visible through them. Another feature of Aero is mouse gestures. The mouse gestures are Snap, Shake, and Peek. More ...

How to Manually Register DLL in Microsoft Windows
A DLL (Dynamic link library) is a file that contains code that can be used by more than one program. A DLL is executed by the calling program. They are not directly executable. In order for the calling program to locate the DLL, it must be registered in windows registry database. More ...

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