Windows Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot With Reliability Monitor
Windows Reliability Monitor, available in Windows 7 and Vista, is a built-in utility that analyzes your PC's event logs and provides a graphical display. If you click on an x, a list of the events related to the error will appear in the details box at the bottom of the page. More ...

Slow Log-on to ISP
When you are connecting to an unknown network, you need to determine which network protocol the other network uses, and you may need to log-on to the other network. Common network protocols are NetBEUI, IPX/SPX, and TCP/IP. More ...

How to Recognize and Repair Power Supply Problems
The Power Supply convert's your regular household current into low DC voltage used by the computer. When this component fails, there is simply no activity going on with your computer. Remember to do the easy troubleshooting first. Inspect the Power Supply for any damage. Double-Check all connections. More ...

Troubleshoot Windows with Task Manager
Task Manager is a Windows system utility that displays the tasks or processes currently running on your computer. To open Task Manager, press Ctrl+Alt+Del. The Applcations tab lists the applications currently running on your computer. A single application may actually consist of several running processes, and many programs that run in the background are not listed (you can see icons for some of these programs in the System Tray). More ...

How to Fix Overheating Computer
Your system works fine after a cold start, but after running for a while, it starts experiencing errors, or locks up entirely. This is a typical symptom of an overheating computer. In this article you learn how to determine if your computer is overheating, an how to cool it down. More ...

What's With All Those Error Messages?
Your software application pops up an error message with some cryptic message like Unexpected Application Error, General Protection Fault or Illegal Operation. You don't have a clue as to what the message means. Illegal Operation! What did you do wrong? More ...

Troubleshooting Laptop Power Issues
You plug your laptop in the wall outlet and turn it on and - nothing. This article teaches you about power adapters, laptop batteries, and how to troubleshoot laptop power issues. More ...

How to Tame Your Mouse
Most mouses (mice?) work by use of a rubber ball that moves three rollers. It is very common for the rubber ball to pick up dirt and feed it into the internal mechanism of the mouse. Tame your mouse by giving it a good cleaning. More ...

How To Troubleshoot Your Computer Hardware
The process of troubleshooting your computer involves taking logical steps; identifying the problem, finding the cause of that problem, determining the solution, executing that solution, and testing that solution to see if it solves your problem. More ...

How to Fix No Mouse Pointer Problem
When your mouse pointer disappears, its very important to get it back. Windows was designed to be usable without a pointing device. To do so, you need to navigate the pointing devices configuration screens using the [Tab] and [Arrow] keys. More ...

Introduction to Windows 10 Resource Monitor
Because Resource Monitor provides in-depth information about a wide range system activity, it is probably your most powerful tool for monitoring, analyzing, and troubleshooting the system. More ...

How to Fix RpcRtRemote.dll Errors
RpcRtRemote.dll initializes Windows update components. So, why are people having problems with this file if it serves a very simple purpose? If the computer couldn't access it, it'd be impossible to complete the installation of update packages. More ...

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