Windows Tips

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Change Explorer's Thumbnail Size
If you're not already viewing thumbnails in Windows Explorer, Right-click in an open area inside Windows Explorer and, in the popup menu that appears, select View | Thumbnails. If you're not happy with the size or quality of the thumbnails, you can use Tweak UI to reconfigure those properties. More ...

Create Your Own Custom Taskbar Toolbar
Creating your own custom Taskbar toolbar is so quick and easy that you can easily create one to hold related shortcuts for a specific task and when the task is complete you can quickly remove the the toolbar, keeping the shortcuts folder for when you need to perform the same task again. More ...

Where Did Firefox Put My Download?
When you download with Internet Explorer, it pops up a "Save" dialog box to ask you where you want to save the downloaded file. But when you download with Firefox, it simply displays the message "Download complete". Wonderful, but where did it put the downloaded file? More ...

Backup Your Windows XP Activation Files
Windows degrades over time and eventually you will be required to reinstall Windows XP. When you try to reactivate Windows XP, you will receive the message 'Our records show that this product has already been activated' and you'll be required to call Microsoft. This article shows you how to backup your activation files to avoid this annoyance. More ...

Disable Taskbar Button Grouping
Have you ever had difficulty finding a window because its taskbar button was grouped with other window's taskbar buttons? You can easily prevent this annoyance. More ...

Create a Shortcut to the Windows 10 Print Queue
If you frequently print documents or graphics on paper and your printer sometimes chokes on a print job or it jams in the middle of printing a multi-page document. Here's how to create a desktop shortcut to the print queue. More ...

View Your Windows Update Log
Something stopped working? Could the problem have been caused by a Windows update? Every day thousands of Windows PC's stop working because of Windows updates. More ...

Change the Default Program for a File Type
When you double-click on a file name on your PC's desktop or in Windows Explorer, a specific application opens to handle that file. These are the default programs for those file types. Windows determines which application to open for each specific file by its file association. More ...

Use ReadyBoost to Improve PC performance
ReadyBoost is a feature of Windows 7 that allows you to use a USB flash drive or a secure digital (SD) memory card as cache memory. When a removable memory device is inserted, Windows checks to see if it's fast enough to work with ReadyBoost. If so, you're asked if you want to use the device to speed up system performance. More ...

Stop Desktop Icons from Randomly Refreshing
Do your desktop icons keep redrawing every 30 to 60 seconds? This can be very distracting. Random refreshing of the desktop icons is usually caused by a full or corrupted icon cache, and is easily solved by deleting the icon cache. More ...

What is Airplane Mode?
Transmissions in the cellular frequency range interfere with an airplane's navigation and instrumentation systems. When boarding an airplane you must disable those transmissions. You accomplish this by placing your device in Airplane mode. More ...

Windows 7 - Five Ways to Move or Copy Files or Folders
At its core, the PC is a device for working with and storing files. Two common things done with files is to move them or to copy them. Did you know that Windows provides at least five different ways to copy or move a file or folder? More ...

Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows has a GUI which allows you to use a graphical input device to be far more productive than having to use combinations and sequences of keys to do things. However, in the situations described in this article, using the keyboard shortcuts can greatly increase your productivity. More ...

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