How to Repair a Damaged Excel File
Excel worksheets can get corrupt or damaged at any point of time. Just imagine working on important financial figures and power goes off. And when power comes back, you cannot access your worksheet or the excel file fails to open. Now what to do? More ...
Move a Window With Keyboard Arrow Keys
Have you ever tried to move a window to one side of the screen and instead it expands to full screen? Then when you click the upper-right corner restore button to return it to the size you set it to, it returns to the old screen position. More ...
How to Work Remotely with Windows 10
When you are connecting remotely to another Windows PC, you see that computer's desktop. You can also access its apps, files, and folders as if you were sitting in front of its screen. More ...
Use Windows Key Shortcuts
Along with Windows 95, keyboards a Windows key were introduced. The Windows key is the key with the logo on it just to the left of the [Alt] key. The Windows key adds some functionality that can speed up your access the Windows Desktop and give you quick access to some useful utilities. More ...
Move an Off Screen Window Back into View
Have you ever had the problem where you inadvertently moved a window outside the boundaries of the screen? Or your display was stuck in a very low resolution because the Display Settings dialog box was bigger than the screen at that resolution? There's an easy way to regain control of the window. More ...
Delete Does Not Erase a File
when you delete a file, the Operating System removes the file name from the directory, but the file itself remains intact on the storage device. Use one of the many secure delete utilities available for free on the Internet to make sure your file data is gone forever. More ...
Configure Recycle Bin to Immediately Delete Files
When you delete a file in Windows 7 it's not really deleted. By default it's moved to a special hidden system binary file at the top of each drive. But what if you're one of those people who, when they say "delete" they really mean delete? More ...
Associating File Types
Often many users see the message "Windows cannot open file, needs to know which program created it" when trying to open an e-mail attachment. This error message is because someone has sent you a type of file that your software does not recognise. To find out what program is needed you must look at the file extension. More ...
Windows 10 File Explorer Ribbon
In previous versions of Windows, Windows Explorer had a toolbar at the top of the window. In Windows 10 File Explorer the toolbar has been replaced with the Ribbon. The purpose of the Ribbon is to make it easier for newbies to use Explorer commands. More ...
Change the Windows 7 Desktop Background
One of the most popular things for people to do when they get a new PC is to get rid of the PC manufacture's, or Microsoft's desktop background. Windows provides dozens of beautiful images that you can select as replacement for your current image. Or you can choose an image that you found on the Internet or shot with your own digital camera. More ...
Why My Office Files Do Not Open
While working on MS Office, there may be situations when you click and try to open up an office file, it does not open. After this you try the 'Open With' option to open the required file and the file gets opened in other program rather than its respective program. More ...
Turn Off the User Account Control
Although the User Account Control protects your system from hackers, there are situations where it's just an annoyance, for example if you're not connected to the Internet, or if you're trying to troubleshoot your computer. More ...
Backup Your Windows XP Activation Files
Windows degrades over time and eventually you will be required to reinstall Windows XP. When you try to reactivate Windows XP, you will receive the message 'Our records show that this product has already been activated' and you'll be required to call Microsoft. This article shows you how to backup your activation files to avoid this annoyance. More ...