I need to say that due to technology changes there is no simple answer to this. I want to first discuss mother boards. Older machines may have mother boards that have separate cards. That is to say the sound card, Video card and others were all separate. Most of the mother boards today are integrated. This means that video, sound, Network cards as well as other necessities are integrate right into the board.
Why am I telling you this? If you don't have the original driver disks or floppy drive that came with the separate card or device you may need to go through a lot of work to reload the driver you need if you ever need to reload it for any reason. With motherboards that are integrated you will also need the original drivers. However, they are either on the Manufacturer's web site or on a disk if the computer was built by you or someone else.
I know this seems unimportant but you will see why I told you this shortly.
Here are the troubleshooting steps to find out why you're not getting any sound:
1. Go to the back of the computer. Find the plug that goes to the speakers. See if it is plugged into the proper outlet of your sound card. This is normally a light green color. Either that or try each one and test to see if you have sound or not. Media player has samples you can use or try a music CD.
2. Check to see if you have power to the speakers. If you have speakers that has a transformer (most do) be sure it is plugged in to a power strip that is turned on.
3. Check the power button on the speaker itself. If it is on, most speaker will show an indicator light which should be green.
4. Here is the one I usually find: Be sure the sound knob is turned up. I have found this turned down in many cases.
5. Test to see if you now have sound.
6. If you still don't have sound things start getting more complex. Find the small speaker emblem in the lower right corner of your computer screen. (Some sound cards will put a different emblem there). Double click it or whatever program you are using. A screen should come up that shows sliders. Be sure these are turned all the way up. There is a small square in the lower left corner of the Speaker volume section. BE SURE "Mute all" is NOT clicked.
6. Again test for sound if you changed any settings.
7. If there is no small speaker or other program the driver is probably corrupt or is not working for some reason.
8. FOLLOW THIS CAREFULLY! Left click "start". Right click "my computer". Left click on properties. You should see a hardware tab. Left click it. Left click the octagonal button that says "device manager". This is the screen that shows the devices installed in your computer. If there is an explanation mark or other symbol chances are the driver for the sound card isn't working. If that is the case your sound will not work until you fix it.
9. Find your original disk for the sound card or the board if sound is integrated in the mother board. Double click on the device unknown section. Find the "driver" tab. click on "update driver" and follow the instructions. Sometimes you will need to go to the manufacture web site to find drivers.
The above instructions should allow you to have sound again. If not you may have other serious problems. Here are some possibilities: Problems with operating system, Bad sound card (if separate form board), Bad motherboard, plugged into wrong sound card if there is more than one installed and others.
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• How to Fix RpcRtRemote.dll Errors
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• Windows Doesn?t Shut Down
• How to Diagnose Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)
• PC Troubleshooting - No Sound
Dennis is a Microsoft A+ Certified Technician with over 15 years of experience. He has a very informative computer blog and website that goes into how to solve numerous computer related problems as well as providing general computer tips, reviews and advice. See: [the website www.pcinfospace.com cannot be found].