Regular Expressions Lookarounds
In this article you learn how to match a pattern only when it comes after another pattern (or after not that pattern) or only when it comes before another pattern (or before not that pattern). More ...
Html5 section vs article Element Best Practices
Many new semantic elements where added to HTML5. The purpose of most of these new elements was easily discernible. But a web search reveals that there is much confusion about the relationship between the article and the section element. More ...
The Difference Between EoP and PoE
Ethernet over Power (EoP) is a technology for sending network data over power lines. Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a technology for sending power over Ethernet network cables. More ...
Gift Giving in the Workplace
One thing that can add to the stress of the holiday season is workplace gift giving. giving a gift to a supervisor or manager sets up a conflict of interest and an ethics problem. In my opinion, holiday gifts should be given only to children. More ...
Network on a Chip (NoC)
NoC (Network on a Chip) is a method of placing a much larger number of processors on a multi-core chip. Much like a regular network, NoC has multiple point-to-point data links that are interconnected by routing switches. More ...
IPv4 to IPv6 Transition With the Dual-Stack Technique
Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 has been slow. If you can't immediately convert all your network hardware to IPv6, the dual-stack technique allows the easiest operation of IPv4 and IPv6 devices on the same network. More ...
Regular Expression: Alternation
In this article you learn how to create an alternation regular expression that will match alternate patterns in a string. More ...
Access Useful Laptop Settings in the Windows Mobility Center
Some useful laptop settings are collected together in a group called the Windows Mobility Center. Near the top of the secret menu, select Mobility Center. Here you'll find controls for setting the screen brightness, sound volume, screen orientation, and such. More ...
Minispreadsheet is a tiny extremely easy to use spreadsheet, You can type text into a cell, you type a number into a cell. A formula is a simple list of cells with basic mathematical operators between them. If you change the number in a cell used in a formula in a different cell, the value in the cell with the formula will be updated. More ...
Regular Expressions Subexpressions
In this article you learned how to use subexpressions to rearrange matches in a regular expression and how to replace the value of a subexpression match in the results. More ...
A capacitor is an electronic component that can store electric charge. A capacitor is constructed with two conductive plates separated by an insulator called a dielectric. More ...
Introduction to HTML
A Web server sends the response to the client browser with a set of instructions written in HTML (HyperText Markup Language). HTML consists of tags that define the structure of a web page. It is the standard markup language for documents to be displayed in a web browser. More ...
Self-Esteem and Success
A person with high self-esteem believes that they are a worthwhile and important person. A person with low self-esteem believes that others are better than them, and that they deserve to treated badly by others. More ...
The Power of a Positive Attitude
One of the most important personality traits required for the achievement of a successful life is a positive attitude. What I mean when I say positive attitude might be more accurately described as a realistic attitude. More ...
Regular Expression Basics : How many Matches?
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. In this article you'll learn how to use regular expressions to count the number of matches. More ...
Windows Event Logs for Maintaining or Troubleshooting Your PC
Your PC keeps logs of everything that happens. You can use the information in these logs to help maintain and troubleshoot and your PC. More ...