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TCP/IP Features

Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours (5th Edition)

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you’ll discover how to implement, monitor, and manage a TCP/IP network–even the latest cloud-based and IPv6 networks. Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll uncover the essentials of TCP⁄IP and put that knowledge to work through practical examples. Each lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a strong real-world foundation for success. Expert author and network engineer Joe Casad guides you from the basics to advanced techniques—including TCP/IP’s architecture, layers, subnetting, CIDR, routing, security, utilities, remote access, web services, streaming, and much more.

Practical discussions provide an inside look at TCP/IP components and protocols. Step-by-step instructions walk you through many common tasks. Q&As at the end of each hour help you test your knowledge. Notes and tips point out shortcuts and solutions and help you steer clear of potential problems.

If you’re looking for a smart, concise introduction to the protocols that power the Internet, start your clock and look inside. Sams Teach Yourself TCP/IP in 24 Hours is your guide to the secrets of TCP/IP. Learn how to...

Understand what TCP/IP is, and how it works
Discover how IPv6 differs from IPv4, and how to migrate or coexist with IPv6
Work with TCP/IP’s Network Access, Internet, Transport, and Application layers
Implement flexible addressing with subnetting and CIDR
Establish efficient and reliable routing
Implement name resolution
Secure TCP/IP networks—detect and prevent attacks
Automatically configure TCP/IP clients and hosts
Provide classic TCP/IP services and powerful new Web services
Use TCP/IP in advanced cloud-based environments
Support efficient media streaming and webcasting
Capitalize on the benefits of the new HTML5 standard
Run TCP/IP protocols over wireless networks
Troubleshoot TCP/IP networks with ping, traceroute, and other tools
Provide for monitoring and remote access
Deploy efficient email systems with POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP
Walk through all facets of implementing a TCP/IP network


TCP/IP Features

TCP⁄IP includes many important features that you'll learn about in this book. In particular, pay close attention to the way the TCP⁄IP protocol suite addresses the following problems:

O Local addressing
o Routing
o Name resolution
o Application support

These issues are at the heart of TCP⁄IP. The following sections introduce these important features. You learn more about these features later in this book.

Logical Addressing

A network adapter has a unique physical address. In the case of ethernet, the physical address (which is sometimes called a Media Access Control [MAC] address) is typically assigned to the adapter at the factory, although some contemporary devices now provide a means for changing the physical address. On a LAN, lowlying hardware-conscious protocols deliver data across the physical network using the adapter's physical address. There are many network types, and each has a different way of delivering data. On a basic ethernet network, for example, a computer sends messages directly onto the transmission medium. The network adapter of each computer listens to every transmission on the local network to determine whether a message is addressed to its own physical address.

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