Computer Network Security

Types of Computer Security Threats
No book nor any checklist or method can show you all the kinds of harm that can happen to computer assets. There are too many ways to interfere with your use of these assets. Two information sources are of value however. The CVE list and the CVSS measurement system. More ...

Multi-Layered Approach to Cyber Security
A multi-layered approach can be tailored to different levels of security. Not every asset needs to be completely secure; instead, only the most business critical assets, such as proprietary and confidential information, need be protected by the most restricted settings. More ...

How to Secure Your Small Business Network
Automated scanning techniques and botnets don't care whether your company is big or small, they're only looking for holes in your network security to exploit. Here are 10 of the most critical steps you can take to keep your data secure, and none of them take much time or effort to accomplish. More ...

Designing Physical Network Security
Network security covers a multitude of issues. The first issue to address is physical access to your network. More ...

Types of DoS (Denial of Service) Attacks
The methods used to launch a DoS (Denial of Service) attack can be divided into three essential categories: Flood attacks, Logic attacks, and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Attackers may use each method to compromise or completely shut down an Internet server. More ...

What is Cross Site Scripting?
Cross-site scripting attacks are used to steal information from your browser when you visit websites such as ecommerce stores, forums, and even your email accounts. More ...

The Role of Security Penetration Testers
An ethical hacker is a person who performs most of the same activities a hacker does but with the owner or company's permission. Ethical hackers are usually contracted to perform penetration tests or security tests. More ...

Security Issues with Wireless LANs
Wireless LAN (WLAN) security threats include war dialing, war driving, war chalking, WEP and WPA security cracking, and rogue access points. This artilce discuses approaches to WLAN Security. More ...

Secure, Network Compliant BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Solutions
A recent IBM study and revealed that 81% of organizations reported their employees are using their personal mobile devices to connect to "company resources". But BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) doesn't necessarily equate to network security problems. More ...

Are You Meeting ISO 27000 Standards for Information Security Management?
The ISO 27000 standard developed by The (IEC) and (ISO) is an internationally accepted industry standard for Information Security Management (ISM). More ...

Network Security
Network security starts with physical security. Network components such as servers, hubs, and routers should be located in a secure equipment room. Part of physical security is protecting your cable plant from damage and electronic eavesdropping. More ...

What is a Password Hash and Salt?
Never store a user's password as plain-text. A Hashing algorithm is similar to encryption. To increase the security of a hashed password, a random value called salt is added to the hash. More ...

Public Key Infrastructure
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) uses a public and private key pair obtained and shared through a trusted authority. Public and private keys are used to lock (encrypt) and unlock (decrypt) data. Certificates are the cornerstones of the PKI. More ...

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