Cisco Networking and Certification

Cisco Certification - Building Your Own Home Lab
CCNAs and CCNA candidates hear it all the time: 'Get some hands-on experience'. There is no learning like hands-on learning. No simulator in the world is going to give you the experience you will get cabling and configuring your own routers. More ...

Cisco CCNA Cerfication - Should You Take The One-Exam or Two-Exam Approach?
There are now two separate paths to the CCNA certification. Candidates may take a single exam, 640-811, or two exams, 640-821 and 640-811. What's the difference? The two-exam approach involves exams with different topics and therefore different preparation techniques. The approach I recommend to a CCNA candidate depends on their background. More ...

Cisco Certification - Five Things To Do DURING Your CCNA Exam
There are plenty of articles out there about how to prepare for the CCNA exam. However, there are also things you can do to increase your chances of success on exam day during the most important part of the entire process - the time that you're actually taking the test. More ...

Choose the Right Switches for Your Local Area Network
Organizations are entering another cycle of Local Area Network upgrades due to two recent technology changes. One is that 10Gb Ethernet are now standard connections on servers. Here's how to choose the right switches for your local area network. More ...

Cisco Routing For The CCNA And CCNP: Administrative Distance
The definition of administrative distance is: the measurement of a protocol's believability. It's not enough to know the definition, however you've got to know when Administrative Distance comes into the picture and when it does not. More ...

How to Configure a Cisco Router
Use a terminal emulation program to access the routers console. The router and it will show the boot up screen in the console window. You may use this set up mode to configure the router. More ...

Network Basics: Assigning IPv6 Addresses
If you're working in a Cisco network and assigning addresses to your IPv6 network cards, you need to know that just like IPv4 addresses there is a network portion of the address and a host portion of the address. More ...

Cisco IOS (Internetworking Operating System)
Cisco IOS is a proprietary operating system that runs on most Cisco Systems routers and switches. It is vital to comprehend the different prompts you can use when configuring a router or switch. More ...

Accessing a Cisco IOS Device
There are several ways to access the Cisco device's CLI (Command-Line Interface). The most common methods are the console management port, using Telnet or SHH, or the AUX port. More ...

Router Simulator for Cisco Lab Scenarios
"A simulator can provide realistic Cisco router problem challenge scenarios. There are many free Cisco router simulators on the Web.This article reviews them and narrows it down to four applications. More ...

Cisco Routers for the Desperate: Router and Switch Management, the Easy Way
This book is MUST have for when you need to make a quick change on a cisco router and don't have time to review. This book walks you through from logging in to making your router changes right from the beginning of the book. More ...

Configuring Internal Cisco Router Security
Network security is a hot topic today, and will only increase in importance in the months and years ahead. While most of the attention is paid to exterior threats, there are some steps you can take to prevent unwanted Cisco router access from within your organization. More ...

Cisco Certification - The Joy Of Hex
The decimal numbering system, concerns itself with units of ten read from read from right to left. Hex numbers are read much the same way, except the units here are units of 16. The number 15 in hex is read as having five units of one and one unit of sixteen. More ...

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