Network Installation
By Stephen Bucaro
Most network administrative tasks are boring and repetitive. But, designing and
installing a new network is a glory job for a network technician.
The installation of a new network can be divided into three phases. Design,
implementation, and troubleshooting. The first and most important phase in a new
network installation process is the design phase. Below is a graphic comparison of
the quantity of time and money spent on a good network installation compared to a poor one.

Budgeting for the New Network
The most important consideration in the design stage is the purpose of the network.
It is the task of the network designer to translate the requirements of the business
into the appropriate hardware and software. No matter how fantastic your new network
design is, if it does not address a business need, it is a waste of time and money.
Unless you have an unlimited budget you will have to prove to the company bean
counters that the project will provide a useful return on investment (ROI). In the
case of a computer network, ROI may be measured as greater productivity by company
employees or improved service to customers. The cost for a new network can be divided
into three categories as shown below.
Fixed, known
• New hardware and software.
• Bringing the existing network up to meet requirements for integration.
• Installation.
• User training.
• Environmental equipment such as air conditioners and dehumidifiers required for the network.
• Licensing fees for operating system and applications software.
Fixed, but unknown. This includes the cost for:
• Testing and troubleshooting.
• Cost of provisions for any possible network downtime during the integration process.
Continuing. This includes the cost for:
• Additional support personnel required after the integration of the new network.
• Communications fees. Will the cost of communications with remote parts of the WAN increase. Will there be increased costs because of remote dial-in access.
• Cost of increased electrical power consumption for new equipment.