I hate to disappoint Stephen Hawking, but the whole universe was created just to annoy me.

Draw with your finger

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Inkscape Text Kerning
Although Inkscape might be considered a vector drawing application, it is also a powerful typographical design program. Actually Text Kerning is not a good title for this article because in it I will cover all the different typographical adjustments you can make in Inkscape. More ...

What is an Ethernet Crossover Cable?
When connecting two computers together without a switch or router in between you need a special cable, called a crossover cable, that has the transmit wire pair swapped with the receive wire pair. More ...

Regular Expressions Lookarounds
In this article you learn how to match a pattern only when it comes after another pattern (or after not that pattern) or only when it comes before another pattern (or before not that pattern). More ...

Minispreadsheet Instructions
This is the instructions for Minispreadsheet. Minispreadsheet is a tiny extremely easy to use spreadsheet. You can type text or a number into a cell, that's it. You can also apply simple formulas to a cell. More ...

Regular Expressions Subexpressions
In this article you learned how to use subexpressions to rearrange matches in a regular expression and how to replace the value of a subexpression match in the results. More ...

Inkscape Basic Fill
In Inkscape you can fill a shape with just about any color, texture, or pattern that you desire. In this article we discuss how to fill a shape with a basic color. More ...

Inkscape Grouping
One function in Inkscape that is very handy is grouping. Without grouping in order to reposition an object we would need to select all its pieces. With grouping, all an object's pieces behave as a single object. More ...

Inkscape Shadows and Highlights
Adding shadows and highlights to your drawings can create a touch of realism. In this article you learn how to add shadows and highlights to your Inkscape drawings. More ...

A JavaScript Function That Returns a Function
Its a fad now in JavaScript to code functions that return functions in order to avoid declaring global variables but the procedure is inefficient and unnecessary. More ...

Introduction to Draw SVG Free Online SVG Drawing Application
A drawing created on a computer can be posted directly on the Web. Drawing on a computer with a vector drawing program is the best way to go. Draw SVG seems to meet the need. In this article I touched on only a tiny part of what Draw SVG can do. More ...

What is a Regular Expression?
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. Regular expressions are very powerful, but also difficult to understand and complicated to use. More ...

Inkscpe Snap Controls Bar
some Inkscape users find snap annoying and so they disable it. Other Inkscape user's could not possibly work without snap. You can convert SVG to STL to print 3D models. But to do that you need accuracy that you cannot achieve without snap. More ...

A Handful of Useful Run Commands: calc, notepad, wordpad, voice recorder, control
The Run dialog box which can be opened by pressing the [Windows] + [R] keys. Run dialog box is a rapid way to open programs. Here are some quick and useful Run commands. More ...

The Power of a Positive Attitude
One of the most important personality traits required for the achievement of a successful life is a positive attitude. What I mean when I say positive attitude might be more accurately described as a realistic attitude. More ...

Find Your WiFi Password on Windows 10
One of the most common reasons to find your Wi-Fi password is to use it on another PC or device to connect to your Wi-Fi network. Here's how. More ...

Minispreadsheet is a tiny extremely easy to use spreadsheet, You can type text into a cell, you type a number into a cell. A formula is a simple list of cells with basic mathematical operators between them. If you change the number in a cell used in a formula in a different cell, the value in the cell with the formula will be updated. More ...

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