What Is Artificial Intelligence?
When trying to understand artificial intelligence the answer is that the intelligent machine that behaves like a person, showing intelligent behavior. More ...
An Introduction to Machine Learning Today
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (ML/AI) mean different things to different people. They are based on the idea that a program's output should be created mostly automatically from a high-dimensional and possibly huge dataset, with minimal or no intervention or guidance from a human. More ...
How to get started in AI
Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, as opposed to humans. Before you can begin working in artificial intelligence, you need to acquire some human intelligence. More ...
Artificial Intelligence - Decidability and Incompleteness
There are limitations to the capabilities of artificial intelligence. If we compare automated provers or inference systems with mathematicians or human experts, we find that mathematicians can prove theorems which are far out of reach for automated provers. More ...
Artificial Intelligence and Propositional Logic
In propositional logic, as the name suggests, propositions are connected by logical operators. A proposition is a statement or assertion. This article provides a definition of the set of all propositional logic formulas. More ...
Limitations of Logic - The Search Space Problem
In the search for an artificial intelligence proof there are almost always many possibilities for the application of inference rules at every step. The result is the aforementioned explosive growth of the search space. More ...
An Introduction to Audio Pocessing and Machine Learning Using Python
The pyAudioProcessing library is a Python based library for processing audio data into features (GFCC, MFCC, spectral, chroma) and building Machine Learning models. More ...
Artificial Intelligence Agents
In AI, agent denotes rather generally a system that processes information and produces an output from an input. These agents may be classified in many different ways. More ...