Programming ASP (Active Server Pages)

The ASP Object Model
ASP is a server-side scripting engine released as part of Microsoft's IIS (Internet Information Services). It allows dynamically generated web pages. ASP became known as Classic ASP. Microsoft has promised to support Classic ASP until at least October 14, 2025. More ...

ASP VBScript Sub Procedures
One of the most common uses of Sub Procedures in ASP is to write html code and text, an example is shown here. More ...

ASP Server Object
The Server object provides access to properties and methods on the server. The Server object MapPath method maps a website path to a physical server path. More ...

Working With Folders in ASP
The FileSystemObject has a collection property called Drives. Each drive in the drives collection has a RootFolder object. Each Folder (including the RootFolder) has a subfolders collection and a Files collection. More ...

ASP Keywords and Reserved Words
Keywords and reserved words are predefined identifiers that have special meanings to the system, application or compiler. Here is a list of keywords and reserved words specific to ASP and to the VBScript programming language. More ...

Working With Cookies in ASP
Cookies are small text files that are placed in a visitor's Web browser's cookie cache by a Web server when someone visits a Web site. By using a cookie the Web server can store and retrieve information about the visitor between pages. The cookie may store information about what pages the visitor viewed or what links the visitor clicked on while they visited the Web site. More ...

ASP VBScript Function Procedures
The purpose of a Function is to create a block of code that can be called by a reference (it's name) and can perform a specific operation on arguments that are passed to it by the calling code. More ...

Sending Email With ASP
Sending email with ASP (Active Server Pages) is not difficult. You can use ASP email to create a contact form, support request form, or even perform mass emailings. CDO (Collaboration Data Objects) is the Microsoft technology that simplifies the creation of email applications. More ...

Working With Files in ASP
When ASP is installed, the FileSystemObject and the TextStream object are automatically installed along with it. The ASP FileSystemObject allows you to work with drives, folders, and files on the server. The TextStream object allows you to create, read, and write files. More ...

ASP MapPath to Convert Physical Path to Virtual Path
An Internet link is a virtual path. Certain server objects, like the FileSystemObject, require an actual physical path. The MapPath function accepts a virtual path as a parameter, and returns the physical path. More ...

Simplest Code for ASP Password Protected Page
Sometimes you want to store private links on your server. What is the simplest way to password protect a single webpage with classic ASP? This article provides the simplest ASP code for that. More ...

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