Visual Basic Programming

Introduction to Visual Basic
Visual Basic has been the most popular programming environment for more than twelve years. If you want to learn how to program, Visual Basic is the language for you. It is very easy to use, yet very powerful in the Windows Environment. More ...

C Sharp Predefined Primitive Data Types
A data type defines how much storage a piece of data will take up, the configuration of that storage, and the meaning of the data. Predefined or primitive data types are those defined by the language. These primitive data types can be used as building blocks for user-defined data types. More ...

How to Navigate the Access 2019 Opening Workspace
If you're upgrading to Access (or Office) 2019 from the 2013 or 2016 interface, you'll find it looks very familiar ? and you'll find much of it to be the same as what you're accustomed to. More ...

Write Visual Basic Programs Without Visual Studio
It was a pleasure to develop Windows Applications with Visual Basic 6. But Microsoft has abandoned Visual Basic 6 for the bloated, over-complicated Visual Studio. But you can still put your knowledge to work and develop VBScript applications with the method described in this article. More ...

The Components of the Microsoft Access Database Interface
As you open a document window in Microsoft Access, toolbars, menu bars (or Ribbon Bars from version 2007) will change state and can be a little disorientating at first. In some cases, you can only be in one type of window to view a function or feature. More ...

Visual Basic 2005 Express Reserved Words or keywords
Reserved words or keywords are words that are part of the language and therefore have special meaning in Visual Basic. The reserved words cannot be used as names for your programming elements such as variables, functions, subroutines or procedures. More ...

Write Your Own VBScript HTA Text Editor
Because this application is designed for instructional purposes, I didn't design it with the conventional File drop-down menu. In order to show how menu items link to the code that performs each function, I just placed all the menu selections in the main menu. More ...

C Sharp Keywords
keywords, sometimes called reserved words, are predefined words that have special meaning to the compiler. Keywords cannot be used by the programmer as identifiers such as variable, method, or class names. A programmer must use keywords only in designated locations in the code. More ...

Getting Started With Microsoft Access 2019
Microsoft Access database application has always been a powerful program and the latest version, Access 2019, no different. But all that power makes Access a difficult application to learn on your own. More ...

The Benefits of Microsoft Access Forms to Create a User Friendlier Database
Microsoft Access forms allows the use of data to be presented, managed and controlled in a user-friendly environment making Access more intuitive to use. Designing forms is critical for other users who will be responsible for the day-to-day running of a database and have very little knowledge of the structure of an Access database or its background processes. More ...

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