Visual Basic Programming

Programming in Visual Basic 2010: The Very Beginner's Guide
This book is an introduction to programming using Microsoft's Visual Basic.NET 2010. It is intended for novice programmers with little or no programming experience or no experience with Visual Basic. The text emphasizes programming logic and good programming techniques with generous explanations of programming concepts written from a non-technical point of view. More ...

Getting Started With Microsoft Access 2019
Microsoft Access database application has always been a powerful program and the latest version, Access 2019, no different. But all that power makes Access a difficult application to learn on your own. More ...

Visual Basic 2005 Express: Now Playing
Visual Basic 2005 Express is designed to make Windows programming easy for everyone. Some people want to write programs for a career. Others want to create a new product. Still others want to learn for the sheer mental exhilaration. More ...

Six Important Points When Importing Data Into An Access Database
Asking general users to import data into an Access database without knowing too muchabout how Microsoft Access works and they will become frustrated within minutes. The most desirable way of using external data is by importing or linking data to an Access table object. Once the data has been imported or linked, you treat it like any other data table and build your queries, forms and reports. More ...

Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Splitting a Microsoft Access Database
In the development and design mode, your Access database runs perfectly. But when you deploy the database, end-users complain that it's slow or it fails to respond. When you have concurrent users accessing your database, you may need to split an Access database and the following five reasons explain why. More ...

How to Navigate the Access 2019 Opening Workspace
If you're upgrading to Access (or Office) 2019 from the 2013 or 2016 interface, you'll find it looks very familiar ? and you'll find much of it to be the same as what you're accustomed to. More ...

Compile C Sharp Without Visual Studio
I have never been very excited about C sharp because you have to use Visual Studio to write programs with it. I don't like to use over-complicated IDEs to write programs because the IDE is often more difficult to figure out than the programming language itself. The fact is you actually can write C sharp programs without Visual Studio. More ...

Five Common Mistakes Affecting Access Database Optimisation and Performance
Building an Access database requires some time, effort and ideally a good level of database knowledge. The assist tools Microsoft Access provides do not control some of the pitfalls most developers brush aside leading to a slow database. Here are the five common mistakes developers need to be aware of and handle accordingly. More ...

How to Utilise and Apply Access Database Normalisation Techniques
In the design of an Access database, the process of organizing data to minimize redundancy is called normalization. Normalization usually involves dividing large, badly-formed tables into smaller, well-formed tables and defining relationships between them. More ...

Visual Basic File Reading and Writing
The biggest problem with administering the list myself is adding and deleting email addresses from the list. Before you add an address to the list you have to make sure it's not already on the list. More ...

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