List Drives and Folders with the VBScript FileSystemObject
By Stephen Bucaro
Scripts are (usually) small interpreted (meaning they don't get compiled) programs that you
can write using a simple text editor like Windows Notepad. VBScript stands for "Visual Basic
Script", which means it's written in Microsoft's easy to understand Visual Basic language.
The scripts are interpreted and executed by a program called the "Windows Scripting Host",
(WSH) which is installed on Windows computers by default.
It's easy to run a VBScript in the WSH, all you have to do is give the text file containing the
code a the .vbs file extension, then double-click on the file name. When you run a VBScript
it has access to the VBScript runtime objects.
To access the computer's file system, you must create a FileSystemObject with
the CreateObject method:
Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
With the FileSystemObject you can you can create a Drives collection object:
Set colDrives = fsObj.Drives
With a For Each Next loop, you can loop through all the drives on the computer and access
each drive's properties. In the example shown below, we access the drive's letter:
For Each objDrive in colDrives
ls = ls & objDrive.DriveLetter & chr(13) & Chr(10)
When you have a folder object, you can access its subfolder collection. But a drive object
doesn't have a subFolder property. Instead, it has RootFolder property which you can
pass to the GetFolder method, and then access the RootFolder's SubFolders object:
For Each objDrive in colDrives
ls = ls & objDrive.DriveLetter & chr(13) & Chr(10)
For Each objFolder In fsObj.GetFolder(objDrive.RootFolder).SubFolders
Shown below is a complete script that you can use to list drives and their top-level folders:
Dim fsObj, colDrives, objDrive, objFolder, tf, ls
On Error Resume Next
Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set colDrives = fsObj.Drives
ls =""
For Each objDrive in colDrives
ls = ls & objDrive.DriveLetter & chr(13) & Chr(10)
For Each objFolder In fsObj.GetFolder(objDrive.RootFolder).SubFolders
ls = ls & objFolder.Name & chr(13) & Chr(10)
Set tf = fsObj.OpenTextFile("drvfldr.txt", 2, True, True)
tf.WriteLine ls
Set fsObj = Nothing
Note that I have added the On Error Resume Next statement because as you loop through
all the folders on all the drives you will inevitably be attempting to access folders that you
are not authorized to access, causing an error.
Note that I've also used the FileSystemObject's OpenTextFile method to create a file
named "drvfldr.txt" to which the script will write the information it collects.
To use the script, copy and paste the code above into a text file and save it with a file name
with the extension .vbs. When you double-click on the filename to execute the script, it will
write the file "drvfldr.txt" containing a list of your computer's drives and their top-level folders.