Java Programming

Getting Started as a Java Programmer
One of the reasons for Java's rapid growth is that Sun Microsystems has always makes the Java Software Development Kit (SDK) available at its Web site for free. All you need to develop Java programs is the SDK and a basic ASCII text editor like Windows Notepad. More ...

Java Ternary Operator Control Statement
The ternary operator (?) is often confusing to beginners. The ternary operator is used to assign one of two values to a variable based on a conditional test. More ...

Concatenate Strings in a Java Program
Java uses the concatenate (+) operator to paste two or more strings together. This article provides Java code to concatenate the strings "first text " and "second text". More ...

Change the Case of Text in a Java Program
If you compare two characters or two strings, Java will say they are different if all the characters are not the same case. To make a comparison without consideration for case, you can first convert all the characters in a string to lower case using the String objects toLowerCase toUpperCase method. More ...

Java for Loop
A loop is a block of statements that are repeated. A loop may be repeated a fixed number of times, repeat until some condition is met, or can loop indefinitely while the program is running. There are three main loop control structures available in Java: for, do and while. More ...

Display Quotation Mark in Text in a Java Program
To define a String in Java, you enclosed it within quotation marks. These quotation marks are not shown when you display the string. More ...

Difference Between JSF, Servlet and JSP
This article provides a brief Overview of JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java ServerPages (JSP), and Java Servlet. More ...

Basic Java Variables
In Java information that can be changed as the program runs is stored in variables. A variable is created with a statement that has the type and the name of the variable, and sometimes the value of the information being stored. More ...

How to Create the Most Basic Java Window
A lot of Java programming involves creating command line applications. But I like to get to opening a graphic window as quickly as possible. This is no problem because it's actually very easy to create a basic JFrame window. More ...

Java do-while Loop
A loop is a block of statements that are repeated. There are three main loop control structures available in Java: for, do and while. This article provides example of while loop code. More ...

A Comparison Between The Java IDEs: Netbeans and Eclipse
Both NetBeans and Eclipse are open source and cross platform Java IDEs. Eclipse is supported by IBM, whereas NetBeans is supported by Oracle. Each IDE provides several innovative features and tools to simplify and speedup Java application development. More ...

Java Operators
Operators are special characters used to manipulate operands. This artice explains arithmetic, relational, bitwise, logical, and assignment Operators, as well the conditional Operator and instanceof Operator. More ...

Passing Arguments to a Java Application
In this article I use a very short example program to demonstrate several basic principles of Java programming; how to pass arguments to a Java application, how to convert a string to an int, and how to use an if structure. More ...

Display a Line Break in Text in a Java Program
In computer programming, a collection of letters that make a phrase, sentence, or paragraph, is called a string. Within a string there may be special characters that are used to produce things like tabs, backspaces, and carriage returns. A line break is created using the newline special character. More ...

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