Java Programming

Java if else Control Statement
A computer program is a list of instructions for the computer to follow. The if else statement tells the computer to run on set of instructions based on one result of a test, and a different set of instructions on a different result of the test. More ...

Passing Arguments to a Java Application
In this article I use a very short example program to demonstrate several basic principles of Java programming; how to pass arguments to a Java application, how to convert a string to an int, and how to use an if structure. More ...

Java for Loop
A loop is a block of statements that are repeated. A loop may be repeated a fixed number of times, repeat until some condition is met, or can loop indefinitely while the program is running. There are three main loop control structures available in Java: for, do and while. More ...

How to Create the Most Basic Java Window
A lot of Java programming involves creating command line applications. But I like to get to opening a graphic window as quickly as possible. This is no problem because it's actually very easy to create a basic JFrame window. More ...

Concatenate Strings in a Java Program
Java uses the concatenate (+) operator to paste two or more strings together. This article provides Java code to concatenate the strings "first text " and "second text". More ...

Basic Java Variables
In Java information that can be changed as the program runs is stored in variables. A variable is created with a statement that has the type and the name of the variable, and sometimes the value of the information being stored. More ...

Difference Between JSF, Servlet and JSP
This article provides a brief Overview of JavaServer Faces (JSF), Java ServerPages (JSP), and Java Servlet. More ...

Determine the Length of a Text String in a Java Program
Java uses the .length method to return the length, in characters, of the text contained in a String object. In this article is the Java code to determine the length of a text string. More ...

Reading Files with Java
Without the ability to read files, your application would be severely limited. In this article I show you; how to use the JfileChooser dialog box to select a file, how to display the contents of the file in your applications window, and how to scroll the Window. More ...

Java Byte, Short, Long, and Double Variable Types
In Java, as in other programming languages, information that can be changed as the program runs is stored in variables. A primitive variable type is predefined by the language and is named by a reserved keyword. There are eight primitive data types supported by the Java programming language. More ...

Display Text in a Java Program
In computer programming, a letter or digit is called a character and a collection of letters or digits that make a phrase, sentence, or paragraph, is called a string. Example code to display a string in java is provided in this article. More ...

Introduction to Java - A Brief Overview
Java is a broadly useful programming language with various components that make the language appropriate for use on the World Wide Web. There are more than nine million Java programmers and more than three billion cellphones run it. More ...

Java if else if else Control Statement
Some instructions tell the computer to test a variable and to follow a group of instructions based on the result of that test. The nice thing about an if else if else statement is that you can use as many else if sections as you require. You could have an else if section for every possible condition value. More ...

Java while Loop
A loop is a block of statements that are repeated. There are three main loop control structures available in Java: for, do and while. This article provides example of while loop code. More ...

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