Determine the Length of a Text String in a Java Program
Java uses the .length method to return the length, in characters, of the text contained in a String object. In this article is the Java code to determine the length of a text string. More ...
Java if else Control Statement
A computer program is a list of instructions for the computer to follow. The if else statement tells the computer to run on set of instructions based on one result of a test, and a different set of instructions on a different result of the test. More ...
Java Ternary Operator Control Statement
The ternary operator (?) is often confusing to beginners. The ternary operator is used to assign one of two values to a variable based on a conditional test. More ...
Locate Text Within Text in a Java Program
In Java a letter or digit is called a character and a collection of letters or digits that make a phrase, sentence, or paragraph, is called a string. Java uses the String object's .indexOf method to locate one string within another. More ...
New Features In Java 9
The latest version of Java has with over 150 new features, several new features and APIs to accelerate development of applications for both large and small devices. At the same time, the features provided by Java 9 help programmers to improve application's performance, security, and maintainability. More ...
Your First Java Menu
Many times the user of a sotware application performs functions by selecting items from a menu. In this article I give you an overview of the Java event model and how to create a Java program with a simple menu. More ...
Java Operators
Operators are special characters used to manipulate operands. This artice explains arithmetic, relational, bitwise, logical, and assignment Operators, as well the conditional Operator and instanceof Operator. More ...
A Comparison Between The Java IDEs: Netbeans and Eclipse
Both NetBeans and Eclipse are open source and cross platform Java IDEs. Eclipse is supported by IBM, whereas NetBeans is supported by Oracle. Each IDE provides several innovative features and tools to simplify and speedup Java application development. More ...
Change the Case of Text in a Java Program
If you compare two characters or two strings, Java will say they are different if all the characters are not the same case. To make a comparison without consideration for case, you can first convert all the characters in a string to lower case using the String objects toLowerCase toUpperCase method. More ...
Java if Comparison Statement
A computer program is a list of instructions for the computer to follow. Some instructions tell the computer to test a variable and to follow a group of instructions based on the result of that test. The most basic conditional test is the if statement. More ...
Java switch case Control Statement
The if else statement tells the computer to run one set of instructions based on one result of a test, and a different set of instructions based on a different result of the test. But a switch case statement can run a different set of instructions based on any value or expression provided to the switch command. More ...
Reading Files with Java
Without the ability to read files, your application would be severely limited. In this article I show you; how to use the JfileChooser dialog box to select a file, how to display the contents of the file in your applications window, and how to scroll the Window. More ...
Java do-while Loop
A loop is a block of statements that are repeated. There are three main loop control structures available in Java: for, do and while. This article provides example of while loop code. More ...
Comparing Two Text Strings in a Java Program
One task performed frequently in a Java program is to compare two strings. To accomplish this you would use the String object's equals() method. This article provides Java code to compare the text in two strings. More ...