XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

Rules For a Well-formed XML Document
An error in an XML document will bring your application to a halt. If you follow these rule for creating well-formed XML code, there is much less chance of creating an error, and any error will be easier to locate. More ...

XML Namespaces Explained
XML namespaces are simple in concept but difficult to explain because they can be declared and used in many different ways. In this article, I explain XML namespaces in their most basic form. Let's start with a basic XML document used to store air travel reservations. More ...

Writing XML
In order to understand XML, you must be able to write XML, and few other sources explain how to write XML in simple terms and without all the complicated overhead like this source does. More ...

Predefined Entities in XML - Five Special Symbols
An entity is an ampersand character followed by several other characters that represents a character such as a less than or greater than sign or an ampersand. Predefined entities exist in XML because each of these characters have specific meanings. More ...

XML Namespaces Made Simple
If you're going to use XML for more than just your own local purposes, you need a way to validate it. Today, this is done using a schema. But don't attempt to use a schema without an understanding of namespaces. More ...

Create a Database Using Only Notepad
You can create your own database using only Windows Motepad, or any ASCII text editor, and use the database with Internet Explorer. Your database can be used as an address book, recipe file, collection catalog, or any of a thousand uses. More ...

Using Java Script to Display XML Data
In this article, you learn how to use Java Script to display an XML document's data as an html page. You create a script that you can use to traverse any XML document to display information about its elements. And you create a script that you can use to check any XML document for errors. More ...

Roll Your Own Java XML Database
In this article I show you how to write a simple Java program to access an XML document that allows you to save your updates. The database for this example is an XML document containing all the different modes which can be set for a computers display. More ...

Program a Visual Basic XML Database
In this article I show you how to program an XML database with Visual Basic. This example consists of two parts, an XML document and a Visual Basic program that is used to browse, search, and edit the XML document. More ...

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