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C# Keywords

keywords, sometimes called reserved words, are predefined words that have special meaning to the compiler. Keywords cannot be used by the programmer as identifiers such as variable, method, or class names. The compiler uses keywords to interpret the meaning and structure, so the programmer must use keywords only in designated locations in the code.

Contextual keywords are keywords that were introduced in later versions of C#, but to keep old code from breaking, these new keywords have special meaning to the compiler only when used in specific locations.

You can use a keyword as an identifier if you prefix it with a @ character, for example throw is a keyword which cannot be used, but @throw can be used.

abstract add * alias * as
ascending * base bool break
by * byte case catch
char checked class const
continue decimal default delegate
escending * do double dynamic *
else enum equals * event
explicit extern false finally
fixed float for foreach
from * get * global * goto
group * if implicit in
int interface internal into *
is join * let * lock
long namespace new null
object on * operator orderby *
out override params partial *
private protected public readonly
ref remove * return sbyte
sealed select * set * short
sizeof stackalloc static string
struct switch this throw
true try typeof uint
ulong unchecked unsafe ushort
using value * var * virtual
void volatile where *while
yield *      

* Contextual keyword

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