Keyword |
What It Does |
abstract |
Indicates that the details of a class, a method, or an interface are given elsewhere in the code. |
assert |
Tests the truth of a condition that the programmer believes is true. |
boolean |
Indicates that a value is either true or false. |
break |
Jumps out of a loop or switch. |
byte |
Indicates that a value is an 8-bit whole number. |
case |
Introduces one of several possible paths of execution in a switch statement. |
catch |
Introduces statements that are executed when something interrupts the flow of execution in a try clause. |
char |
Indicates that a value is a character (a single letter, digit, punctuation symbol, and so on) stored in 16 bits of memory. |
class |
Introduces a class — a blueprint for an object. |
const |
You can’t use this word in a Java program. The word has no meaning but, because it’s a keyword, you can’t create a variable named const. |
continue |
Forces the abrupt end of the current loop iteration and begins another iteration. |
default |
Introduces a path of execution to take when no case is a match in a switch statement. |
do |
Causes the computer to repeat some statements over and over again (for instance, as long as the computer keeps getting unacceptable results). |
double |
Indicates that a value is a 64-bit number with one or more digits after the decimal point. |
else |
Introduces statements that are executed when the condition in an if statement isn’t true. |
enum |
Creates a newly defined type — a group of values that a variable can have. |
extends |
Creates a subclass — a class that reuses functionality from a previously defined class. |
final |
Indicates that a variable’s value cannot be changed, that a class’s functionality cannot be extended, or that a method cannot be overridden. |
finally |
Introduces the last will and testament of the statements in a try clause. |
float |
Indicates that a value is a 32-bit number with one or more digits after the decimal point. |
for |
Gets the computer to repeat some statements over and over again (for instance, a certain number of times). |
goto |
You can’t use this word in a Java program. The word has no meaning. Because it’s a keyword, you can’t create a variable named goto. |
if |
Tests to see whether a condition is true. If it’s true, the computer executes certain statements; otherwise, the computer executes other statements. |
implements |
Indicates that a class provides bodies for methods whose headers are declared in an interface. |
import |
Enables the programmer to abbreviate the names of classes defined in a package. |
instanceof |
Tests to see whether a certain object comes from a certain class. |
int |
Indicates that a value is a 32-bit whole number. |
interface |
Introduces an interface. An interface is like a class but, for the most part, an interface’s methods have no bodies. |
long |
Indicates that a value is a 64-bit whole number. |
native |
Enables the programmer to use code that was written in a language other than Java. |