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Understanding Modern PC Specifications
There is a huge variety of different PCs available out there. Its no wonder that consumers are confused about what to buy. This article explains modern PC specifications. More ...

Introduction to Operating Systems
An operating system is software that acts as an intermediary between a computer user and the computer's applications and hardware. An operating system can be viewed as a resource allocator. Resources might be CPU time, memory space, file storage space, and input/output (I/O) devices. More ...

Create a Cool Picture Frame Effect with CSS
By setting the CSS border-color property to a transparent color, and setting the background-origin property to border-box you can create a cool picture frame effect. More ...

Regular Expression Basics : Match a Set of Characters
A Regular Expression (regex) is a sequence of characters that define a pattern that allows you to search, match, locate, replace, manipulate, and manage text. In this article you'll learn how to use regular expressions to match a set of of characters. More ...

How to Check Your PCs TPM
One of the requirements for Windows 11 is TPM version 2.0. If you have Windows 10 and you have TPM version 2.0 module, and it's enabled, then you can install and run Windows 11. More ...

Minispreadsheet is a tiny extremely easy to use spreadsheet, You can type text into a cell, you type a number into a cell. A formula is a simple list of cells with basic mathematical operators between them. If you change the number in a cell used in a formula in a different cell, the value in the cell with the formula will be updated. More ...

The Difference Between EoP and PoE
Ethernet over Power (EoP) is a technology for sending network data over power lines. Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a technology for sending power over Ethernet network cables. More ...

Inkscape Text on Path
One of the most amazing things Inkscape can do, and one of the easiest, is to place text on a curved path. You can even make the text go in a circle. More ...

SVG Basic Shapes Tutorials
This is an introduction to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and tutorials with examples on how to use simple code to draw basic shapes. More ...

Regular Expressions Intervals
Regular expression intervals tell us about the number of occurrences of a character in a string. Curly braces are used to define a precise count of how many occurrences you are checking for. More ...

Inkscape Exercise: Draw Photorealistic Sphere
Although Inkscape is a 2D drawing application, it is quite capable of drawing photorealistic 3D images. To demonstrate this capability, in this article I show you, step-by-step how to draw a photorealistic sphere. More ...

Inkscape Text Kerning
Although Inkscape might be considered a vector drawing application, it is also a powerful typographical design program. Actually Text Kerning is not a good title for this article because in it I will cover all the different typographical adjustments you can make in Inkscape. More ...

Independent Contractor Agreement Template
This is a template for an Independent Contractor Agreement. It contains a series of boxes. Each box does not contain the final text of the agreement. Instead, each box contains a description or suggestion of the type of information that you should type into the box. More ...

Regular Expression Position Matching
In this article you how to use regular expressions to match characters at the beginning, end, both beginning and end, or at any specified location in a string. More ...

Online Color Coded Resistor Calculator
To determine the resistance value of a color-coded resistor, select the colors matching each band from the drop-down lists. More ...

Regular Expressions Boundaries
In this article you learn how to controls where a regular expression matches a string, on a word or non-word boundary, at the beginning or end of a string. You also learned about multiline mode. More ...

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