Improper Fraction to Mixed Number Mixed Number to Improper Fraction Calculator
An Improper Fraction has a top number larger than (or equal to) the bottom number.
Despite our calling them improper, they are perfectly useful in mathematical calculations.
However, they are a bit more difficult for humans to understand. For that reason when an
improper fraction is the final result of a mathematical calculation, we usually convert it to
a mixed number. Enter your improper fraction in the boxes on the left below and click on
the [=] button to convert to a mixed number in the boxes on the right.
Improper Fraction to Mixed Number
Some times, in order to perform a mathematical operation, you have to convert a mixed number
to an improper fraction. Enter your mixed number in the boxes on the left below and click on
the [=] button to convert to an improper fraction in the boxes on the right. Technically a mixed number
consists of an integer followed by a proper fraction, but this calculator will accept an integer
followed by an improper fraction and convert it to a complete improper fraction.
Mixed Number to Improper Fraction
Note: I've spent a lot of time coding and testing this application, but it's not possible to test every
possible thing that can be entered into the boxes. So if you find a bug in this application, please contact
me through the contact form on this website. Also, as with almost everything on this website, you are
free to use this code on your own website.
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